
My Father's Arms

At the beach I saw a father cradling his handicapped child in his arms, letting him enjoy the ocean waves.

The boy would have been old enough to splash about on his own were he not born with disabilities.

The father smiled to see his child enjoy the gentle waters and I realized I was like that child.

I'm handicapped by my fallen human condition, born a sinner with emotional and spiritual handicaps every bit as real as that young boy's physical ones (Romans 3:23; 5:8; Ephesians 4).

But I have a Heavenly Father who cradles my crippled spirit, my broken heart, and my weak spiritual muscles in His able arms. He helps me do what I cannot do otherwise.

When I enjoy victories over sin, He smiles. When I fail, he holds me tighter (Psalm 91).

Someday, I will leave this fallen human nature behind as surely as that little boy will leave behind his disabled earthly body (1 John 3:2).

Until then, I will rest safely in my Father's arms.
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When I saw this father with his handicapped child at the beach, God helped me understand some important elements of His love for me...and you. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. Yes, this is a beautifully written picture of God's loving care and his grace. Thank you!
