
Being Teachable

These 5 Steps for Overcoming Sin Patterns help us accept correction and grow in our faith.

Have you ever been aware of a sin problem, but just didn't have a desire to change? 

Maybe you've even asked for prayer about your problem, but whenever you hear suggestions to improve, all you want to do is make excuses.

Sometimes we want to change but not as much as we want to stay the same.

These five steps can help:
1. Pray for single-mindedness - James 4:6-8.
Ask God to give you a wholehearted desire to change.

2. Quit defending and excusing wrong choices- Proverbs 28:13.
Self-defense is an enemy of growth.

3. Pray to be humble and teachable - Proverbs 16:20.

4. Ask others to keep you accountable (James 5:16).

5. Ask advice from those older and wiser Christians who've dealt successfully with the same problems you're experiencing (1 Corinthians 11:1). 
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These 5 Steps for Overcoming Sin Patterns help us accept correction and grow in our faith.

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