
Hiding God's Word in Our Hearts

Psalm 119 encourages us to "hide God's Word in our hearts." But what does this mean and how do we do it. This 1-minute devotion addresses this concept.

"God has called us to live holy lives" (1 Thessalonians 4:7), and one way we accomplish this is by "hiding God's Word in our hearts" (Psalm 119:11). 

Have you ever thought about the word hide in this verse?

Typically we think of hiding as a way of concealing something from others, but Psalm 119:11 isn't talking about concealment. 

Quite the opposite. It's describing our need to make God's words part of our being, not merely an external influence.

God's Word should be so much a part of who we are (Hebrews 10:16), that people see it reflected in everything we do (James 1:22-24). 

That's why regular reading, study, memorizing and reciting of God's Word is essential. Then when we need direction, comfort or encouragement, we can depend on all that we've "hidden" away.

When God's Word is hiding (residing) in our hearts, it will be the first thing that comes to mind in every situation.
This is part of a series on Psalm 119:9-16.  Read the entire series HERE.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. It contains 100 one-minute devotions to challenge, encourage, instruct, and inspire your love for God's Word. Read the story behind Wisdom for Life HERE. And find out about the two free Bible studies with purchase HERE. You can read the first 4 devotions in the book by clicking "look inside" on Lifeway or AmazonIn addition, you can buy the book in Kindle format on Amazon and as an ebook on Barnes and Noble.
I also encourage you to sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes and get a free e-booklet. Find out more HERE.
Psalm 119 encourages us to "hide God's Word in our hearts." But what does this mean and how do we do it. This 1-minute devotion addresses this concept.

Psalm 119 encourages us to "hide God's Word in our hearts." But what does this mean and how do we do it. This 1-minute devotion addresses this concept.

Psalm 119 encourages us to "hide God's Word in our hearts." But what does this mean and how do we do it. This 1-minute devotion addresses this concept.


  1. This is such an encouragement. I read and study the Bible but neglect memorizing because I'm not good at it. I think being good at it comes with practice. So, thank you so much, Gail!

  2. a wonderful encouragement, Gail! thank you for sharing this.
