
What's Your Jesus Story?

God gives us a story and the majority of Jesus stories have a particular aspect in common. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

I love Jesus stories.

They remind me that God speaks the same truths to all of us. They also remind me of the diversity in the family of God because He speaks His truth in ways we can best hear it.

Recently, on Bible Love Notes Facebook wall, I asked: "I'm did you come to know the Lord?"

About 100 people left comments, and, as I expected, the majority attributed their conversion to a person, especially family members, friends, and Sunday school teachers. Moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents, sons, daughters, and even ex-husbands made the list.

Sermons, church camp, revivals, baptisms, hardships, television programs, funerals, and youth groups were mentioned, but I imagine even these events were preceded by the prayers and witness of human beings.

God can use any means to reach us. After all, He once spoke through a donkey (Numbers 22:21-35).

But God most often uses people. When was the last time you told someone your Jesus story?

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God gives us a story and the majority of Jesus stories have a particular aspect in common. This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. He delivered me from selfishness and a life without meaning and He opened my eyes for the scriptures! I will tell people often...

    1. Thanks Marja for sharing this summary of your Jesus story! May His name be praised! So glad we are in God's family together.

  2. My mom and grandparents took me to church when I was a child every tweet the doors were open. I had a Sunday school teacher who told me stories every week about Jesus and we sang this song to invite Jesus into our hearts when I was 5. During a revival, they were having the invitation and I remembered what my teacher had told me, so I asked Jesus into your heart.

    1. You know, Tammy, they say that most conversions take place before the teen years. Bless those Sunday school teachers! Thanks for sharing your story. God bless you, Gail

  3. Although I was raised in a Christian home, the actual "walk through the threshold" of Gods blessed gift of His son was when a lady across from our school said she holds bible studies at her home. It was okayed by the school if we wanted to give up a recess to attend. I didn't have to give up very many recesses and I gave my heart completely to Jesus. I was 7 years old. I even earned a plaque memorizing John 3:16, it is my favorite verse even today and I am 62.

    1. What a wonderful ministry this lady across from the school had. I love that your walk with the Lord started with a sacrifice (i.e. giving up recess). Love your story! God bless you.

  4. Through attending one of the John Mellor Healing meetings and being healed.Jesus saved me from a painful meaningless life.I've often tried to share about Jesus and healing but so far people react like I am crazy or think that I am just full of myself and delusional.
    It's sad how much you may want to help,yet they can't see it that way,or aren't willing to accept help /only on their terms.Even when you share with friends, they don't actually care that you are in a much better place,so they are not interested about how you got there.I really don't know how others can share such a sensitive topic without being rejected.

    1. I'm not sure I fully understand your concerns, but I rejoice that God saved you and healed you. And I pray He will give you a peace about your concerns. Thanks for sharing your story.
      God bless you, Gail

  5. Although I have been reading the Bible off and on for many years, I didnt follow it. When I came across BLN is when I started to actually study it and following it closer! (you break it down so it's very easy to understand) I'm an over the road trucker that is out for months at a time so I dont have a church to rely on so I am very grateful to you for these lessons!

    1. Truckingelaine,
      You blessed my day!
      My heart's desire is that people will draw closer to God through Bible Love Note's devotions.
      I've said a prayer for you that God will continue to draw you closer through His Word.
      God bless you.
