
What I Learned About God from Cartoons and Cinnamon Rolls

What I Learned About God from Cartoons & Cinnamon Rolls! This 1-minute devotion highlights the joy of time spent with God and the meaning of Psalm 84:10.

A single day in God's courts is better than 1000 anywhere else...

‘What time is it?’ I thought, opening my eyes. 

Two little smiles met my sleepy gaze. ‘Oh, yes,’ I reminded myself, ‘my granddaughters spent the night.’

“Would you like to watch cartoons?” I asked, hoping to get a little more sleep.

“No!” said Gracie emphatically.

“I thought you liked cartoons.” I responded.

“We’d rather spend time with you, Grammy” said Emma.

Well, you can guess that’s all it took to get me out of bed and into the kitchen where my two helpers made a huge mess and a pan of cinnamon rolls.

So often my grandchildren make me think about my relationship with God.

How often have I chosen TV over time with God, and not because He wanted to sleep in! I want that to change...and it will when I truly come to realize this:

cinnamon and butter everywhere!

“A single day in your courts, [Lord], is better than a thousand anywhere else!” Psalm 84:10a (NLT)

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What I Learned About God from Cartoons & Cinnamon Rolls! This 1-minute devotion highlights the joy of time spent with God and the meaning of Psalm 84:10.

What I Learned About God from Cartoons & Cinnamon Rolls! This 1-minute devotion highlights the joy of time spent with God and the meaning of Psalm 84:10.


  1. Each night when I kneel to pray I think of how wonderful it is to just be alone in a quite place with my Lord. I am guilty of letting my day run away with me, too. There are so many distractions . . . and I get caught up in them so easily. I'm adding you to my prayer list and I hope that you will do the same for me. Prayer is wonderful warfare:)

    1. Thank you, Connie. I so appreciate the prayers!
      And I will pray for you as well.
      Gail : )

    2. Thank you for sharing this!!!! I find myself in the similar situation. I get so busy doing "other" things that by bed time I feel that I have missed out on having an even greater relationship with my God and Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!! I will place both of your on my prayer list.

  2. I like to be with God at 12 midnight..but sometimes I'll just dose of into sleep 💤 the next thing I knew when waking up is that feeling of regret.. regretting that I missed a night with out spending time with Him..
