
4 Characteristics of Our "Rich and Satisfying" Life in Christ

These 4 Characteristics are necessary for the "Rich and Satisfying" life Christ calls His followers to live.

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.… My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life” (
John 10:10 NIV & NLT).

When we make Christ our Lord, we are blessed with Christ's help, guidance, comfort, peace, joy, and hope for a perfect eternity. 

These wonderful blessings help us live as God has called us to live here on earth: 
  1. Giving up our desires and plans whenever they interfere with God's (Matthew 16:24-26, Matthew 6:28-34). 
  2. Obeying God's commands even when it's hard (John 14:15).  
  3. Enduring persecution when necessary (2 Timothy 3:12). 
  4. Loyally defending God's words even when it makes us unpopular (Mark 8:38). 
The world has a different list of things that make up a rich and satisfying life,” but Christians understand that true fulfillment, inner joy, and peace for our souls can only be found in Christ.


Why not dig deeper and do the Bite Size Bible Study based on this devotion: Embracing the Difficult Aspects of the Christian Life.
For more insights into John 10, see the one-minute devotion Can You Hear the Shepherd's Voice?

If you own Wisdom for Life devotional, Day 98 reinforces some of the concepts in this devotion, so I encourage you to read or re-read it today!

These 4 Characteristics are necessary for the "Rich and Satisfying" life Christ calls His followers to live.

Bible Love Notes

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