
Three Ways to Give Your Agenda to the Lord

Are you too busy like Martha? This 1-minute devotion offers 3 ways to give up our agenda and sit at Christ's feet.

“Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work myself? Tell her to help me!” (Luke 10:40)

My natural inclination is to sympathize with Martha in Luke 10:38-42. Who likes being stuck in the kitchen while your sister relaxes with guests? But Jesus rebuked Martha.

It was a sweet rebuke—the doubling of her name was a form of endearment (Luke 10:41). He wanted her company more than a fancy meal.

I hope Martha decided to serve pita sandwiches, took off her apron, and plopped down next to Mary at Jesus' feet. We can do the same by:

1. Welcoming "divine interruptions" in our day. 
See Divine Interruptions.

2. Simplifying and prioritizing our schedules. Busyness is often motivated by pride and immaturity.
See Christian Time Management
3. Seeking first the things of God and letting Him work out the rest (Matthew 6:33).
See Give Careful Thought to Your Ways.

If God asks, will you give up your agenda today and sit on the floor?

© copyright Gail Burton Purath, 2011

If you haven’t read the story of Mary and Martha, it’s just five verses: Luke 10:38-42.


A great hardcover devotional priced less than most paperbacks.
If you own Wisdom for Life, I encourage you to read or re-read Day 35. It talks about a time when I was struggling and I foolishly started reading less of God's Word!

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Are you too busy like Martha? This 1-minute devotion offers 3 ways to give up our agenda and sit at Christ's feet.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Me! You asked who being stuck in the kitchen doing things.actually i like being stuck doing things in the house as long as the other person doesn't scatter everywhere when i am through. But nowadays i am learning to prioritize and know when to stop with the Martha things and start behaving like Mary. Nice post....


    1. Nothing wrong with enjoying work in your fact, it's a good thing. But, as you pointed out, we all need to prioritize our lives to make sure we sit at Jesus' feet. : )
