
Sweet Sorrow and Shared Tears—Psalm 25

This 1-minute devotion shares the true story of the comfort one woman found in the Psalms after her husband's unfaithfulness.

It was my first Bible study group as a new Christian, and one young woman offered a wonderful example of persevering faith. She was younger than me, but she was my “elder” in the Lord.

Her husband was openly and unapologetically carrying on an affair despite his past commitment to Christ, and she was heartbroken. But her faith in Christ was unwavering. 

I shall never forget the prayer time when she spontaneously began singing the praise song “Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul” (Psalm 25).

As she sang, the words expressed her sweet sorrow. By that I mean that she was hurting deeply, but she wasn't conveying even a hint of doubt in God's love for her.

It was a meaningful time for our small Bible study as we joined her in a chorus of shared tears.

Verses four and five were her request: “Show me your ways … guide me in your truth.” And she never wavered in the confidence expressed in verse ten: “All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful.

She had reason to know that her husband would never return to her, but that didn't change her view of God's love.

I never read Psalm 25 without remembering her beautiful song and her faith in the midst of trial.


I encourage you to read When Bad Things Happen. It explains how another woman in a similar situation failed to understand what the woman in this devotion understood. 
And if you'd like to hear this 70's praise song we sang together, you'll find it HERE. And please take time to do the short Bite Size Bible Study on Psalm 25. You'll find it HERE.

There is so much comfort in the Psalms. 

If you've purchased Wisdom for Life, I encourage you to read Day 9 for some additional insights.

This 1-minute devotion shares the true story of the comfort one woman found in the Psalms after her husband's unfaithfulness.

Bible Love Notes

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