
Jesus Asked Questions

Why Jesus asked questions and why we should also ask questions. a 1-minute devotion.

Jesus often asked questions before giving answers.

When the rich young ruler asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” most of us would have gone through a prepared speech ending in the sinner's prayer.

But Christ said, “Why do you call me good?” and He probed deeper to discover the man's intent (Mark 10:17-27).

Although it's not an evangelism verse, James 1:19-20 is great advice for sharing Christ: 

"You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry."

When we share Christ: 
  • A great devotional!!
    We should take time to listen and ask questions.
  • We should think before we speak.
  • We shouldn't take disagreements personally.
It's easy to use formulas when sharing Christ, but we do more good by discovering what people are really saying and answering the right questions.

I encourage you to do the Bite Size Bible Study based on this devotion: Understanding Why Jesus Asked Questions

We sometimes view evangelism as confronting a stranger on the street, but God uses our gifts and personalities in a variety of ways. Check out the Bible Love Notes collection called What's Your Evangelism Style? for more insights into sharing Christ effectively. 

Why Jesus asked questions and why we should also ask questions. a 1-minute devotion.

Bible Love Notes

1 comment:

  1. This is so true! Such a good verse to apply in so many situations. Making sure that we understand a person's questions before we try to answer. Also, asking questions often reveals the motives of their own hearts.
