
To the Moon and Back - Buzz Aldrin's Lunar Communion With Jesus

If you don't know the story of Buzz Aldrin's moon walk, you need to read this 1-minute devotion. It will bless you!! #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy

Do you know what Buzz Aldrin did while in space on July 20, 1969?

“One day while I was at Cape Kennedy ... I wondered if it might be possible to take communion on the moon, symbolizing the thought that God was revealing Himself there too, as man reached out into the universe.” ~ Buzz Aldrin

Aldrin, the lunar module pilot on Apollo 11, was the second man to walk on the moon. 

With the blessing of his pastor, he packed a chalice and communion bread with his gear. 

On July 20, 1969, when he landed on the moon, he read John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

According to Aldrin, he did this “to indicate our trust that as man probes into space we are in fact acting in Christ.” Then he celebrated the Lord's Supper. 

NASA didn't publicize this ceremony for fear of protestors. But, none-the-less, the first thing celebrated on the moon was the atoning death of Christ. 

I don't know about you, but that blesses me to the moon and back!

Sources: Guideposts & Secret CommunionQuotes from Guidepost articles

Aldrin took advantage of a situation to share Christ. We may not have so great a platform, but we all have opportunities. See How Can You Shine Today? and Train Ride Conversation.

I encourage you to check out the Wisdom for Life Devotional. You can find out where to purchase it and download 2 free Bible studies with purchase HERE.  
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If you don't know the story of Buzz Aldrin's moon walk, you need to read this 1-minute devotion. It will bless you!!

If you don't know the story of Buzz Aldrin's moon walk, you need to read this 1-minute devotion. It will bless you!!


  1. How interesting! I never knew that, thank you for sharing!

  2. Hey Gail!

    I read this on the way to work today and I was so amazed, I never knew this. Thanks so much for sharing this :)

  3. wow what a privilege he had!! wonderful

  4. Thank you for honoring our Savior Buzz...

  5. thank you for sharing this, Gail! and a special thank you Buzz for thinking about our savior.

  6. The Lord's supper. Remembering Christ's sacrifice for all mankind. Bless you for thinking of Christ on such a monumental occasion.

  7. There were so many things that could go the other way in that mission but it did not and the only thing that I can think of is, because God is with them throughout that time.
