
God's Two-Step Program for Overcoming Negative Thoughts

If you are struggling with negative thoughts, ask the Lord to help you implement His two-step solution.

So many of my problems begin in my thoughts…I think the worst about a situation or dwell on the negatives. I decide something is hopeless or meaningless and conclude I can’t be happy unless it changes.

There’s a two-step answer to my dilemma:
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

1. Demolish (destroy) anything that contradicts God's Word.
We don't excuse it or try to make it fit. We reject it. 

2. Make our thoughts obedient to Christ.
We replace our negative thoughts with God's truth.

For example, if we are feeling that nothing good can come from a situation, we remind ourselves that Romans 8:28 promises that God can bring good out of every situation if we seek His purposes. 
See Let God Use Your Sorrows.

If we're feeling abandoned or alone, we remind ourselves that Hebrews 13:5 promises that God will never, ever, ever leave us. 
See Our Lord's Faithful Friendship.

If we feel like nothing will restore our peace, we remind ourselves that Philippians 4:8 instructs us to dwell on good things so we can gain a peace that is beyond our understanding.
See 2 Ways to Maintain Healthy Thinking.

And if we are feeling like there are no good things to dwell on, we can remember that Philippians 3:7-9 tells us that no matter what else happens, we can rejoice in our salvation!  
If you are struggling with negative thoughts, ask the Lord to help you implement His two-step solution.

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If you are struggling with negative thoughts, ask the Lord to help you implement His two-step solution.

If you are struggling with negative thoughts, ask the Lord to help you implement His two-step solution. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Biblestudy

Bible Love Notes


  1. Oh, Gail, here's another one that has been in my head recently about "taking every thought captive." Wow! Amazing how we are on the "same page" this week! It's so important when thoughts come into our heads and how we decide to react to them (or act on them). Thanks for sharing this wonderful reminder and the great truths of God's Word...our guide to living for Him! Hugs!

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      I have been needing this reminder myself this week : )
      I can so easily get into a worry mode, if I'm not constantly reminding myself of these truths.
      I pray we both have a week of Christ-filled thoughts.
      : )

  2. I like having the text to one devotion in the email, but I'd love it if there was a link to the other one at the bottom so we can still get two! :) that or you could include the full texts to both? Just some thoughts in answer to your question :)

    1. Thanks, Emily. I love hearing this feedback and will definitely take it into consideration. And I appreciate that you like reading two on Tuesdays : )

  3. Philippians 4:8 is one of my favorite passages. Coming from a long line of worriers, and always thinking of the worst possible scenarios in any given situation, I needed this reminder today! :)

  4. Thank you! I read this today and really needed to be reminded!
