
When People Claim Your Faith Is "Just a Crutch," They Are Partly Right!

 When people say God is just a crutch, I don't take that as an insult. Here's why....
In 2009, while living in Budapest, Hungary, I broke my ankle and wasn't able to put weight on it for six weeks. During my recovery, I used the most wonderful little contraption called a knee walker. It's a three-wheeled scooter used as an alternative to crutches.

Were it not for my knee walker, I'd have been in a wheelchair unable to exercise, and my good leg would have atrophied as much as the broken one. 

During this time I couldn't help but think of an insult that atheists sometimes use against Christians. They claim our faith is "just a crutch," something we invent to help us cope with life. 

"Just a crutch." 

Whoever makes this remark obviously never needed crutches. 

When people say God is just a crutch, I don't take that as an insult. Here's why....
on my knee walker after healing
Like knee walkers, crutches help injured people get on with life, help them keep walking despite their weakness, and help them exercise and build muscles in the process. 

With that in mind, I agree that among other things, our faith is a crutch … or better yet, a knee walker!

You see, we're all spiritually "broken" when we come to God. He helps us walk in faith despite our past sins and human weaknesses, and He helps us build faith muscles while we're healing.

I'm so grateful that God comes to give us fuller, more meaningful lives (John 10:10), and I'm not ashamed to admit that I "lean" on Him daily.

To read a little bit more about my broken ankle and how I got it, see Spiritual and Physical Atrophy and Bad Step.

When people say God is just a crutch, I don't take that as an insult. Here's why....

Bible Love Notes

1 comment:

  1. I was told by a rebellious granddaughter one time I used my Godly faith and Bible as a crutch. And my comment to her was thank God I've got the crutches!"
