
Thomas Jefferson Did It and Many Modern Christians Do It Too!

Thomas Jefferson thought he was God when it came to Scripture, and some folks today are following his lead.

homas Jefferson considered the Bible untrustworthy. So he created his own gospel by taking scissors to a copy of the New Testament. 

Sadly, Jeffersonian techniques are alive and well among many modern Christians today. They don't literally cut passages from their Bibles. They simply ignore them. 

Some do this because they don't want to be bothered by facts that disagree with their lifestyle.

Others ignore passages because they've been propagandized by clever false teachers (2 Timothy 4:3-4). 

I expect atheists to disrespect Scripture in order to hold on to their faulty conclusions about God and life (Psalm 14:1). But it's far more troubling to encounter professing Christians who've "written" their own gospels. 

We must hold fast to the truth, and in order to do this, we must learn and accept all that Scripture teaches (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 

Smithsonian: Jefferson Bible

For further confidence in God's Word, see:

How I responded when a friend told me Paul's letters weren't Scripture. 

This devotion reveals a "Jefferson" who lived during the time of Jeremiah. 
This devotion gives us confidence in proofs of Scripture's accuracy and authenticity. 

Thomas Jefferson thought he was God when it came to Scripture, and some folks today are following his lead.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Fascinating. So sad to read that about Jefferson, though not surprising. Thanks for including the link to the Smithsonian.

    1. Yes, Marilyn, it is sad to know Jefferson was like this.
      I knew he was a Deist, but was surprised to read that he'd created his own Bible.
      Have a blessed day,
      Gail : )

  2. Amen, Gail! I did not know that about Jefferson. Thanks for the reminder and the historical info.

    1. This is completely false information about Jefferson.

    2. Hi Wesley. The Smithsonian has the actual Bible Jefferson used and letters from Jefferson explaining his beliefs. In addition, Jefferson owned slaves and there is DNA evidence that he fathered at least one child born to one of his slaves.

    3. Wesley, here is a Christianity Today article explaining the Jeffersonian Bible:

    4. Wesley, I don't post links unless they are biblically sound, so I didn't post the link in your other comment when you cited David Barton's claim that Jefferson was a solid Christian. Barton apparently ignored, disregarded, or reinterpreted scores of authenticated and archived evidence (letters, documents, and the actual Jefferson Bible) to claim that Jefferson was a solid Christian. There are many solid Christians among the Founding Fathers, but Jefferson is not one of them. If you have read Barton's book without doing your own research, your view is naturally going to be biased. This site which is built on respect for Jefferson gives a balanced view of Jefferson's beliefs:

  3. 2 Timothy 3: 16-18 was the first scripture I memorized after being immersed into Christ. Thanks for the reminder . Our founding fathers got some things right and others, no quite right.

  4. That is interesting never knew that about Jefferson, but it is true today people pick and choose what they wish to believe instead of believing the whole Bible. Thanks for sharing.

    1. This is completely false about Jefferson.

    2. Hi Wesley. The Smithsonian has the actual Bible Jefferson used and letters from Jefferson explaining his beliefs. In addition, Jefferson owned slaves and there is DNA evidence that he fathered at least one child born to one of his slaves.

  5. Gail, I had never heard this about Jefferson but it's quite interesting and so true that some times we can be guilty of picking and choosing our favorite parts.

  6. Fascinating information and very Well done.

  7. Muy buena información Gail no conocía sobre ese tema de Jefferson leeré más del artículo. Ciertamente alguna vez hemos caído en esta situacion en nuestras vidas de creer lo que nos conviene para sentirnos cómodos. Esto puede causar que seamos excluidos de la vida eterna con el Padre y Cristo Jesús.
