
Why Christ's Spiritual Army is All-Volunteer

All Christians are soldiers in God's Army, but they're not conscripted. They are volunteers. This is why.
"When in danger the state can conscript men to fight for her freedom, but there are no conscripts in the army of the Lord. To bear a cross the Christian must take it up of his own free will." 
~ A.W. Tozer 

During times of war, people are conscripted (i.e. drafted) into the military. They have to serve whether they want to or not.

Then there are soldiers who volunteer and make the military their career, serving and protecting their country full time.

  • They willingly accept the sacrifices, hardships, and potentially dangerous situations.
  • They believe in their mission to protect their country's freedom.
  • They are serious about training for their mission.

Christians are "career soldiers" too. We've volunteered to serve God and protect against God's enemies (1 Peter 5:8).

  • We're willing to deny ourselves, accepting sacrifices and hardships (Luke 9:23-24).
  • We believe in our mission to help others find true freedom in Christ (John 8:36).
  • We're serious about growing in our knowledge of Christ (Romans 12:1-2). 

Scripture talks about being a soldier of Christ and says, "No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer." 2 Timothy 2:3-4

We're engaged in a battle, dear Christians. Let's daily seek to please Christ, our "Commanding Officer," Savior, and Lord.

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All Christians are soldiers in God's Army, but they're not conscripted. They are volunteers. This is why.

Bible Love Notes

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