
Spiritual Coaching

Spiritual Coaching is a unique way to grow in your faith. Check out this 1-minute devotion and see if you need a coach or can be one.

Before I started Bible Love Notes, a young Christian man coached me in the use of Facebook, teaching me technical and ministry aspects. 

Whenever one Christian "coaches" another, even in "secular" areas, it's a form of discipleship if done prayerfully and deliberately. 

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

When Barnabas, "son of encouragement," coached Paul, the focus was obviously spiritual.(1) In like manner, we might ask someone to help us build good quiet time habits or overcome an anger problem. 

But some coaching incorporates discipleship more subtly. For example, one Christian might coach another on keeping a tidy house, scheduling their priorities, or wisely managing their money because everything we do should be done with the Lord's purposes in mind (Colossians 3:23-24). 

Do you need a coach in some area of your life? 

Could you be a coach?

Ask God to connect your needs and your skills to other Christians, and be deliberate about including the discipleship aspect in everything you learn/teach. 

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up ..." 

(1) Acts 4:36; 9:27; 11:22-25

Spiritual Coaching is a unique way to grow in your faith. Check out this 1-minute devotion and see if you need a coach or can be one.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail, yup, I need some coaching! I know i need to make better use of my time and on getting things done with discipline, not with need, eg ironing because EVERYTHING is in the washing basket! lol! Fortunately, the Lord is concerned with both the spiritual and practical sides of our lives. Great reminder for me Gail
    God bless

    1. That is an area I also need to become more prioritized. : )
      Praying we both find coaches and get that process of "training" underway.
      Sometimes we can even be coached by books or articles. I need to do a 1-minute devo on that : )

  2. Hmm...timely as I a major online issue right now that I haven't the technical knowledge. Seems like some coaching would be helpful. Liked this, Gail.

    1. Thanks, Judith. I think your blog is "discipleship coaching" in a number of areas : )

  3. Yes i need some management please

    1. Hi Miriam,
      I pray that someone in your church can be a coach for you in this area!
      There are also some good materials that you can order that help Christians handle their money in biblical ways. I'm not familiar enough with any to recommend them, but you might do some research and find out if there are some that can help you. God bless you.
