
Practical Prayer Prompts

Most of us could use some reminders to pray for the persecuted, the oppressed, government leaders, and other important areas. This 1-minute devotion offers an easy, practical way to be more effective in prayer.

Which of these do you do most days: 
  • Brush your teeth 
  • Take a shower
  • Drink a cup of coffee 
  • Walk the dog 
  • Change a diaper 
  • Turn on a light …. 
Why not use one or more of these types of activities as a prayer prompt. 

But instead of praying for friends and family like you do at other times, pray for those things you never seem to have time to pray for. 

Most of us could use some reminders to pray for the persecuted, the oppressed, government leaders, and other important areas. This 1-minute devotion offers an easy, practical way to be more effective in prayer.

For example: 

  • When you brush your teeth, pray for a specific government leader. 1 Timothy 2:1-4
  • When you shower, pray for a specific missionary. 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2
  • When you turn on a light, pray for persecuted Christians in a specific country. Hebrews 13:3

Don’t worry if your prayers are short. You’ll be developing a habit of consistency. 

Then change it from time to time so you can cover more ministries, countries, leaders, missionaries, etc. 

If you don’t really know what/who to pray for, ask a ministry leader in your church or community. 
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Most of us could use some reminders to pray for the persecuted, the oppressed, government leaders, and other important areas. This 1-minute devotion offers an easy, practical way to be more effective in prayer.
Bible Love Notes


  1. A great way to "pray without ceasing" Thanks for the examples!

  2. Dear Gail
    With my Fm/ME I have lots of time to pray especially now that I am having a very bad flare. I should make a list for I forget most of whom I want to pray for due to the Fibrofog. When I am at times so tired that I don't want to pray, I see in my mind's eye our Lord Jesus praying for us without ceasing and that gives so much encouragement to persevere,
    Blessings XX

  3. What a great idea, Gail! Love the prayer prompts! Thanks so much for hosting today too!

  4. Gail,
    I learned this trick years ago after hearing Dr. Dobson tell about how he committed to pray for a friend every time he took a shower. I know what a gift it is to have friends who pray regularly for me, and I want to be that kind of friend. I pray for you often when I'm blogging, because you've taught me so many helpful skills that I can't help but equate the two. Blessings on you today!

  5. Love this idea of a prayer prompt!

  6. I love this idea, thanks for sharing!
    Mrs. Lopez of Loving Life In Pink

  7. Hi Gail! Once again I will be including one of your 1-Minute Devotions in my Weekend Wrap-Up.

    Blessings to you and yours1

  8. Awesome prayer prompts! Also, we can pray while we cook, clean, shop, drive, wait in lines at DMV or grocery store, walking around the neighborhood, and when we can't sleep at night lol. It's a cool way to have constant communication with God!

  9. I ride a motorbike + find that's a great place + time for me to be praying. No heavy traffic where I live + I ride in set familiar routes. Something about having the helmet on + no other noises around me.
