
Grieved, Repressed, Insulted

This 1-minute devotion explains how understanding God's pain can ease our pain.

Have you ever grieved? 

Perhaps you've lost a family member or friend to an early death, or maybe a loved one turned away from the Lord and rejected you. Perhaps you've suffered financially or been faced with a difficult health problem. Or maybe you've been the victim of slander or crime.

It's easy for us to understand human grief, but we rarely think about the grief our Lord suffers.

Before the flood when the human race became so wicked, Scripture tells us that God's heart was grieved by mankind's evil (Genesis 6:6).  

We also hear Christ's sorrow in Matthew 23:37 when he says, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing."

It breaks my heart to hear of God's sorrow, and I don't want to be responsible for it. I don't want to grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom I was sealed for the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30). 

Sometimes when I am grieving a sad situation in my life, I pause and think about my Lord. 

"He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain." Isaiah 53:3

It puts my own grief in perspective to remember how much He suffered to save me.

If you are grieving, share your heart with the Lord. He understands. 

💙 Beyond 1-minute for those who want more 💙

Check out this great collection of 1-minute devotions that offers ideas for using our time productively, creatively, and wisely:  

Ideas for Improving our Well-Being.

Why not take on one new creative, writing, or reading project this week. It can help you stay Christ-focused and develop your God-given gifts.


This 1-minute devotion explains how understanding God's pain can ease our pain.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you,Gail. Praying for you.

  2. This was so good and blessed me. Love the Scriptures about how God feels about sin. So good to remember.

    Many blessings - Julie


  3. Thank you so much. This one minute BS helps me a lot and served as reminder for me to be calm and stay positive though it hurt to hear degrading statements from other people. Thanks God because in the way, i've shared Christ's suffering in a mild way:). I just want to express my thanks because I am learning and growing in you one minute devotion.

    1. I am so glad Bible Love Notes are a blessing to you!
      Thank you for taking the time to let me know.
      God bless you.

  4. I always save it to my pins which is Bible Love notes. Sometimes I read it over and over again for bible studying.
    Thank you Miss Gail!
