
Enjoying God's Creation

God is present in His creation and this 1-minute devotion offers encouragement to enjoy and appreciate it daily.

God created each element of our world intentionally according to His will (Revelation 4:11). He could have made our world completely functional and boring, but He chose to make it awe-inspiring, complex, and interesting because He is awe-inspiring, complex, and interesting.

Romans 1:20 says, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” 

Creation is a proof of God's existence. That's why men who deny God are without excuse because they have ignored His testimony in nature. 

And we are without excuse if we take God's creation for granted. He's given it to us to enjoy, so let's enjoy it. Even if you live in the city, there are aspects you can delight in.

Here are a few ideas for appreciating God's creation more regularly:

💙 Learn something new about creation each week. 
The internet makes that easier than ever. Did you know that a squirrel's front teeth never stop growing...that snails can sleep for three years at a time...that cows can sleep standing up? You also might enjoy reading a 1-minute devotion about Fireflies.

💙 During your quiet time, thank God for some aspect of His creation that you recently enjoyed: a beautiful sky, a cool breeze, delicious fruit, etc.

💙 Take a walk, a hike, or a bike ride and enjoy your surroundings.

Don't let a day go by without enjoying God's creation and God Himself!

Check out the Bible Love Notes Collection of 1-minute devotions about God's Creation

God is present in His creation and this 1-minute devotion offers encouragement to enjoy and appreciate it daily.

God is present in His creation and this 1-minute devotion offers encouragement to enjoy and appreciate it daily.

Bible Love Notes


  1. I LOVE to take my grandchildren anywhere they can be free to explore the beauty of creation. I encourage them to look for special colored leaves, pine-cones, a special rock, anything that they can collect as a treasure. I also am an avid photographer, capturing God's creation and choosing an appropriate scripture to go with it. Thanks for sharing. Abby

  2. A cup of my favorite hot tea and time to sit on my back porch and drink it always opens my eyes to the beauty God has created--even at 4:00 AM!

  3. I enjoy looking at the markings on all the creatures of God’s is glaringly obvious that there was divine design in the patterns that are perfection in nature, many of them look hand painted and really breathtaking... and then you come across a tiger...the patterns on a tiger are completely different on each side of the tiger and each one is unique like fingerprints...the very thought of God’s artistry leaves me with a great sense of awe and wonder, no matter how many times I see them... and I feel like a child just reaching awareness ��☺️����. Thank you for sharing this article ����
