
Jesus Rescues Junk Like Me

I like to rescue and re-purpose things from the junk piles of life. And I'm living proof that God does too.

God repurposes our lives for His glory...

The Hungarians schedule periodic pick-up of larger trash items when people can clean out attics and storerooms and put large piles of junk on the curbside. 

When we lived in Budapest, I enjoyed these "junking days." 

I found some wonderful "treasures" to repurpose and enjoy in my home. You might think it's pathetic to save junk, but I enjoy it. My husband says I have a knack for seeing the beauty in an item that he'd never have seen.

Our Lord also likes to go "junking." He retrieved me from a junk pile of unbelief and nominal Christianity and He repurposed my life in ways I'd never have imagined.(1)

In our age of self-esteem, it's not popular to recite Romans 3:12 which says that without God we are "worthless." But it gives me great joy to know that my Lord gave up His divine privileges and took the humble position of a slave, dying a criminal’s death on a cross in order to save me from my worthless "junk pile" life (Philippians 2:6-8).

I'm not ashamed to remember what I was before He changed my heart and my purposes (Ephesians 2:10).

2 Timothy 2:20-21: "In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."

Thank you, Lord, for rescuing me!

(1) Nominal Christianity is the state of many church-goers in America. They are Christian "in name" but have never genuinely given their lives to the Lord, and they base their faith on various misunderstandings. I was raised going to church, and even though I didn't reject that background, I didn't make Christ my Lord until I was twenty-three years old.

I like to rescue and re-purpose things from the junk piles of life. And I'm living proof that God does too.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail! Greetings from the US to you! You and my husband would have such a good time together. He loves to go garage sales, and has brought back a HUGE television that he picked off the side of the street.

    And what a fun thing to do while trying to stay awake :)

    Yes, I am so glad that God does not see me as junk at all. In that heap, we all sparkle. Don't ask me how, but we do.

    Good to hear from you!

    1. Thanks, Ceil.
      Yes, we "junkers" can get great pleasure out of the oddest things : )

  2. I love taking junk and giving it new gives me so much pleasure to see the change in the piece I rescued. What a blessing to think about God pulling me out of the trash and re-purposing my life, and rescuing me.
    What an awesome analogy!

    1. Yes, Marie, we are alike in enjoying "junk"
      Guess that's part of God's image in us : )

  3. But, Gail, what is "the rest of the story?" Did you find anything to bring home? :-) And yes, I do like your analogy! Thanks for your faithful sharing, even from "the other side of the world." Have a blessed weekend.

  4. Blessed the Lord oh my soul. Thank for reminding me how precious and valuable I am for my Lord and savior. That He has renewed me through the blood of His only begotten son Jesus Christ. Once I was lost (junk) but now i am safe. May the Lord bless you.
