
Put First Things First When Sharing Christ

It's important that we not expect non-Christians to have the same sensitivity to sin that we have. We need to start with first things first. This 1-minute devotion explains.

She owned the restaurant my husband and I frequented, and we exchanged small talk whenever we saw her. In fact, she was quite a talker, and we often had opportunities to tell her things about our faith in Christ.

Unfortunately, she had a terrible habit of using profanity. 

Her language made us uncomfortable, but we felt the Lord wanted us to leave it alone. 

This woman's problem wasn't language—it was her need for Christ.

Don't get me wrong. We're commanded to judge the character of people we spend time with, Christian or non-Christian (1 Corinthians 15:33; Ephesians 5:5-7). And we're commanded to correct fellow believers who are sinning (Matthew 18:15).

But this woman was neither a friend nor a believer. 

In some cases, addressing a person's profanity might be the starting point for sharing Christ, but in this woman's case we felt the Lord wanted us to share other things first. 

It's a matter of being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and knowing that an unbeliever is incapable of understanding her sins until she knows the Lord (1 Corinthians 2:14).

We should let the Lord lead us when we interact with non-believers so we can listen to their hearts as well as their words.

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It's important that we not expect non-Christians to have the same sensitivity to sin that we have. We need to start with first things first. This 1-minute devotion explains.

It's important that we not expect non-Christians to have the same sensitivity to sin that we have. We need to start with first things first. This 1-minute devotion explains.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail, I'm so intrigued by the phrase about doing 'two illegal things in Czechslovakia...' You have the best testimonies--thank you for shining for Jesus.

    1. Thanks, Jody, for your kind words.
      All of us have neat stories in our lives, but I just happen to be old enough to have quite a few : )

  2. Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed reading this. Great insight!

  3. I am the same way. If the person is unsaved, they don't realize and the important thing is their salvation. Thanks for sharing this Gail.

  4. This is great! Thanks for sharing! Hopping on over from the Missional Women link-up. :)

  5. Thank you I have learnt something here

  6. I just love your devotions!
    Such truth!
