
Divine Crab Bite—Joni's Romans 8:28 Perspective

Even if you’ve heard about Joni’s accident over 40 years ago, I doubt you know this interesting thing she does each year on the anniversary. It shows that she has an incredible faith and also a sense of humor. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Joni #Devotions

Over 50 years ago (1967), a diving accident left Joni paralyzed below the neck. But every year she celebrates that event by inviting her friends to enjoy a special meal of crab.

That's because a crab led to her rescue when it bit her sister's toe, causing her sister to stop swimming and notice Joni floating face-down in the water. 

Joni has a good sense of humor, but she also has an uncanny ability to see God in her hardships.

"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

On the 38th anniversary of her accident, Joni read John 5:2-6 where Jesus healed a man who had been an invalid for 38 years. Joni found special comfort in verse six when Jesus acknowledged that the man had suffered "a long time." 

Joni knows without a doubt that God understands her pain because He's the God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). No wonder her testimony has such a powerful effect on others!

She helps me put my difficulties in perspective. How about you?

Joni's ministry: Joni and Friends


Other 1-minute devotions about Joni:
Wheelchair Miracle
Inhale His Presence
Joni Shares 5 Benefits of Suffering
4 Truths About Suffering 
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Even if you’ve heard about Joni’s accident over 40 years ago, I doubt you know this interesting thing she does each year on the anniversary. It shows that she has an incredible faith and also a sense of humor. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible #Joni #Devotions

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thanks for sharing. This was a wonderful reminder of our God who "works all things for our good and His glory." This is a great encouragement! God bless ~

  2. As a Job Developer for people with disabilities, I am familiar with Joni's story. Great example to follow not just for those with special needs but for anyone. Thanks for sharing her story! Gail, have you heard from: Nick Vujiicic?


  3. Love Joni! She is faithful and real and loves the Lord - what an example for all of us.

    Hugs ~ Mary

  4. Joni, has been and continues to be such a tower of faith to so many of us. God truly does work all things for the good of those who love Him. Thanks for the reminder, Gail.

  5. I read Joni's book back when I was seventeen. Her story was so real to me because she candidly shared her struggles along with her victories in the Lord. Having loved swimming and diving I always could relate to her accident. She has had such an impact on so many people over the years. Thanks for sharing this post.

  6. I met her at a speaking event when I was 8. Never expected to end up in a car accident at 23 and deal with years of pain myself. Truly remarkable woman♡
