
3 Steps for Overcoming Doubts about God

If you ever struggle with doubts about your faith, these 3 "doubt-busters" will help! God bless you! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Do you sometimes have doubts about God?

Many Christians have doubts, so we shouldn’t be ashamed or disillusioned by them. They are not the same as unbelief.

When we doubt, we are usually dealing with difficult or troubling circumstances, or we are tempted by ungodly influences. 

Unbelief is totally different from doubt. Unbelief is unrepentant, repetitious rebellion against God and His principles.* 

When we doubt, we don't want to. We want to believe. 

We can overcome doubts by:

1. Reading God’s Word regularly (Romans 10:17).

2. Replacing doubts with thoughts of God's faithfulness (2 Corinthians 10:5).

3. Avoiding influences that cause temptation (2 Timothy 2:22).

Are you having doubts? Read, replace, and avoid

*  For example, Abraham doubted in Genesis 17:15-17. Compare this to a whole generation of Israelites who didn't enter the Promised Land due to unbelief - Hebrews 3:12-18.

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If you ever struggle with doubts about your faith, these 3 "doubt-busters" will help! God bless you!

If you ever struggle with doubts about your faith, these 3 "doubt-busters" will help! God bless you! #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Thank you Gail. This was exceptional.

  2. Awesome.. thanks for sharing this wonderful post.

  3. I enjoy every one of these I read!

  4. Loved the READ REPLACE AND AVOID. Great thoughts and something we need to do each day. The closer we get to God the stronger our faith.
    PS if you want to link to Wednesday's Word on my website I would love if you would link this.

  5. Hi Gail, I never really thought about the differences between unbelief and doubt but so glad you have defined it here. Thanks for linking up sweet lady. Looking forward to your next post
    God bless

  6. "When we doubt, we don't want to. We want to believe."

    To keep in mind when faced with the question of doubt in others.

  7. Good stuff :) Thank you for your consistently practical, Biblical reminders, Gail. What you write makes a difference in your reader's lives, to the glory of God! I will remember R R A ! :)

  8. Thanks for the advice. I have been feeling guilty about the doubts I have been having. Will need to put in more effort. Thanks for the steps.

  9. I agree with this post! when we are in doubt about something in our lives, god will make sure that we overcome it by believing in him!

  10. Last night i watched one video too many. The first was about the deception of Joel O. Then there was another video calling me, and i watched it, and i knew i should not have. they were even talking to a guy who is a Jew that does not believe in Jesus like we do. And they were discussing hell. And the guy who'se channel it is mentioned the issue about pastors from way back who always tried to scare everyone in church with hell, and that it was unfair, because why then do people come to Christ? Because they are scared of hell? That's not an enough reason to become a Child of God. We should WANT to be in a relationship with Him and we are here to worship Him and be obedient as His Chrildren. Things were said there that really knock me over, and in a way i tell myself i misunderstood. It came down to what if there is no hell or heaven, what do we have if there was no bible to read? It got freaky, and i felt so upset with myself for watching this stupid video. Now i sit with this something inside me that is pulling back, and i hate it.

    1. Hi unknown,
      I think you identified the problem - watching videos that are negative toward the Gospel. Satan can wrap things in attractive arguments meant to deceive us and lead us astray. I encourage you to do the 3 things recommended in this devotion so you can restore your peace in Christ.
      God bless you!
