
Praise Music Therapy

When negative thoughts are swirling through our brains, this can completely turn things around. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy

Some babies calm down when their moms play music. The babies begin listening to the music instead of their own cries.

I'm discovering I sometimes need the same kind of "music therapy."

My form of "crying" is allowing negative thoughts to roll over and over in my mind causing discouragement.

Playing praise music can replace my negative thoughts with positive, encouraging words about the Lord.

The psalmists were often troubled with negative thoughts, fears, and worries. Perhaps that's why we often read things like this:

Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD.… Sing praise to the name of the Lord...Make a joyful noise.” Psalm 95:1; 7:17; 66:1

When our minds are spinning with negative, useless, repetitive thoughts, it's time to turn on the praise music.

"He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire...He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God." Psalm 40:2-3


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When negative thoughts are swirling through our brains, this can completely turn things around. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy
Bible Love Notes


  1. There is nothing more calming or joyful then “making a joyful noise” , while listening to praise music.

    1. I listen to mostly praise music. I dont like christian rock .I do listen to some pop.

  2. Please could you recommend some music? There are many popular bands I distrust. Thanks.

  3. Keith and Kristyn Getty are my favorite!

  4. Hi Leanne,

    There is so much Christian music, and some types are better than others.

    It also depends somewhat on the style of music you like best too, whether hymns or praise songs, etc.

    I've found the most comfort in Scripture songs - songs that actually just put Scripture to music.

    These type of songs were most popular in the 1970's, so there's no a lot of current songs like them.

    You might google "1970's Scripture songs" and see if you get some good results.
    God bless you,
