
Crack Vials (not cracked vials)

Working with children in an unsafe section of town taught me about crack cocaine and God's mercy. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy.

“Watch out for the crack vials!” the Bible club director warned us.(1)

I was helping with a Bible club in the projects, and we were planting flowers on the property of the rundown community center where we met. 

“I don’t know what a crack vial looks like,” I admitted. 

“Just ask the kids in your class to point them out.” 

I’d come to love my third graders who showed up each week to sit on the floor and listen to Bible stories. But when I drove back to my safe home, I worried about these children who stayed behind.

Why did they have to deal with such negative influences? 

That's when I would remind myself that God loved these children more than I did. He knew each one before they were born, and He longed for them to follow Him (Psalm 139:16; 2 Peter 3:9).

It's reassuring to remember how deeply God cares for each of us (1 Peter 5:7). It gives us confidence to trust Him even when we don't understand life's hardships (Proverbs 3:5).

(1) Crack is a form of cocaine that is smoked. It comes in tiny glass vials about 1-1.5 inches long the width of a pencil. When broken, the glass could cut hands or feet. The area where the community center was located was notorious for illegal drug sales.
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Working with children in an unsafe section of town taught me about crack cocaine and God's mercy. #BibleLoveNotes #Biblestudy.


  1. New to your blog! Love it! Blessings to you!

  2. I thought in your promo, it was talking about a "cracked" vial. Wow, reading your devo was totally unexpected. On the flip side, thanks for being an encourager. I think a lot of us get upset and feel like we can't make a difference in some of those really bad situations. Once again, God is in control! Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Thanks, Carol. I learned so much from helping with the Bible Clubs those 2 years that I lived in NJ. It was hard, but also a great blessing for me.

  3. I'm also new to your blog, and find it a beautiful place of inspiration. :) God bless you!


    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement, Paulette. I'm blessed to know that you're blessed. Gail

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you for all you do to bring the love of Jesus to their world of cracked vials. Today is my first devotion from you and it has made an impact on my heart. Thank you for opening the eyes of my heart to pray for the children and others in these neighborhoods. Thank you for sharing Gods love to the lost. May God bless you in every area of your life abundantly.

    2. Thank you, Unknown. This story is about a ministry I was involved in several years ago. I have since moved to another state, but I remember those dear children fondly and pray God will be real in their lives. And I love your heart to pray for these children. Prayer is a powerful ministry!
