
Be Careful Not to Take on This "Bobattitude"

It's not about guys named Bob, but it's about an attitude that every Christian should avoid.

“There goes Bob,
 my husband says when he sees an impolite driver. 

It's not about guys named Bob. There are lots of polite guys with this name.

It’s because many years ago a car commercial featured an imaginary driver named Bob who didn't follow the rules. He ignored the speed limit, parked in the “no parking zone,
 and went through red lights. Bob read the signs as if they said, No parking, except for Bob and “30 mph, unless you're Bob.

Unfortunately, people like this are not all imaginary. And we don't just see them on the roadways.

They're self-centered, expecting others to adjust, accommodate, and serve them. But they feel no responsibility to reciprocate.  

We need to beware of this 
Bobattitude because it's contagious. We catch it from other Bobs, from our own selfish desires, and from the selfishness promoted in our culture. 

That’s why we all would be blessed to memorize Philippians 2:3-4:

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.


✔ For more on this subject, see Teaching Children about Needs & Desires and Self-Centered or God-Centered?  

✔ Please check out Wisdom for Life a devotional with concise Bible truths to encourage you each day. 

It's not about guys named Bob, but it's about an attitude that every Christian should avoid.

Bible Love Notes


  1. Hi Gail - so true, I see many bobs around, sometimes in the mirror (ouch) great reminder
    God bless

  2. Such a good example of how we ought to love others and not be selfish. There is no reason we should act like the 'Bobs' out there!! Instead, we should be like Jesus.

  3. Hi Gail, unfortunately here in the Philippines it is usually the policemen who think they are entitled to break the law! They don't follow traffic lights, go faster than the speed limit, etc. But we should all watch ourselves, because with me, I tend to be impatient with people who call me at the office and try to sell me something. If I put myself in their shoes, I know I will be more patient and understanding!!!

  4. In the Netherlands, Bob was used in a campaign against drunk driving. Bewust Onbeschonken Bestuurder ie. consciously undrunk driver (designated driver). So it's hilarious to me that elsewhere, Bob is considered the menace of the road!!!

  5. I agree. We live in a time when people think they are entitled to having it all right now. These "Bobs" don't want anyone getting in their way either. I, too, have to be careful that I'm not the one being the Bob or my witness will fail to lead others to Christ.

  6. In this day and age when everywhere you go t.v. ads, movies, and stores all emphasize putting yourself before others, we have to really work at going against the tide and being Christlike in our lives. Thanks for posting this!

    In His Lo♥e, Ann @

  7. Yes, indeed! "Don't do as I do - do as I say!" type.

    God is using a 'Bob' in my life right now and I'll be honest, it's frustrating, annoying, uhhhhhhh and... I think you get the picture! I don't like it!!!!! It's a person in authority and that makes it all the more difficult because there is also the respect issue. I cannot respect such a person (although I must respect their position).
