
Just Another Day in Paradise

It's easy to be negative in the midst of wonderful  blessings. This 1-minute devotion addresses this problem. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

This post was written in May 2012.

What if you woke up today with only those things that you thanked God for yesterday?*

This month we’re living in a 100-year-old farmhouse near a Hungarian village of about 70 homes. Colorful spring flowers…beautiful stone buildings…shepherds grazing their sheep…I love it, especially because we’re here to share the Lord.

But that doesn’t mean this city girl doesn’t complain sometimes. 

The bugs are plentiful, and the neighbor’s dog serenades us for hours some nights. They are doing noisy, dusty construction work on the house, and we're more isolated than on our typical trips to Hungary.

It’s so easy to think on the negatives and miss the paradise all around us.

But I've been doing a pretty good job keeping my perspective this trip (some of you must be praying).

Dear Lord, please help all of us to rejoice in all that You’ve given us and ignore life's minor annoyances for “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6).

I so appreciate God's ability to use every situation for our good.  I'm thankful for the wonderful blessings and the useful challenges He brings into our daily lives.
*This saying didn't originate with me, but I don't know the author.  
I encourage you to read this 1-minute devotion which is also about contentment: 2 Hindrances to Christian Growth

If you'd like to know more about our stay in this lovely old farmhouse, you'll find info and more photos HERE.

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It's easy to be negative in the midst of wonderful  blessings. This 1-minute devotion addresses this problem. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible


  1. Gail what a beautiful place! So true how we always tend to focus on the bad and not the good. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I know what you mean about focusing on the negative and missing the positive. I have two things I do to help change my perspective, I allow myself 5 minutes to write a list of the things that are bugging me, then I force myself to spend the next 15 listing the positives - I find that acknowledging the negative helps me to let them go, and the longer period of times spent on positives helps my focus change. Great post!

    1. This is a great method for gaining perspective. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. What a gorgeous place to have to stay in! But, of course, we humans can always find the negative and lose sight of the positive. Thanks for letting us in on your stay!

  4. Gail, what a beautiful place! I read a book that a friend gave me when my husband was going through Cancer. It is call "Prison to Praise" by Merlin Carothers. Great book, short read & bibilically sound.

    1. You know, I read that book in the 1970's as a new Believer. It's been a long time ago, but I remember it was impacting about praising God in all things.

  5. Now you have the reverse perspective of what it was like for Merrill and I to come and live in the center of Budapest. I have to admit, God was in the details, because I didn't think about the country and what I was missing about home. I just tried to enjoy every moment of the time we had there. I remember the last drive out to our house before we left for Budapest and wondering how much I would miss it. God is great, all the time! I'm glad to hear that there is some part of this that you are enjoying, that bucolic countryside. :)

    1. Yes, you were the farm girl who came to the big city...and now we can say about ya gonna keep em down on the farm after they've seen Budapest! : )
      I really am enjoying it here, especially the small city center around the lake. But I am a city girl : )

  6. Waking up with only what we thanked God for is actually daunting and a lesson to know where our blessings come from and to be grateful. Thank you for the critical reminder. My husband and I have been blessed to be able to visit Hungary twice. Some of the best food I have ever tasted anywhere in the world, and generous folk.
