
I Let The Old Woman Take Control

We apologize for this extra step, but this devotion from 2011 was updated and is now located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion will encourage you!
I Let the Old Woman Take Control


  1. My temper is one of my many faults, I am sad to say :( However, I am working with the Lord on it!

  2. I too have always had a temper. God has been good to work in me and has helped me put away my old self. Sometimes she makes her way out again too. I'm so thankful for a merciful God and forgiving friends and family!

  3. Good word, and reminder. If we don't stay in the WORD, the "old woman" will resurface and take us over again. And sometimes we all slip up...and let the old person resurface. Its a good reminder that we need to put on the full armor of God everyday.
