
George Washington Carver - He Overcame Evil

The wonderful story of the brilliant man who overcame injustice and returned good for evil. #GeorgeWashingtonCarver #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

We apologize for this extra step, but this devotion from 2011 was updated and is now located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion will encourage you!

George Washington Carver - He Overcame Evil.


  1. I studied about this gentleman when I was in school many years ago. Could it be this is why I like peanuts and peanut butter so well? :-)
    I enjoyed your post about "more than one way to heaven" In the beginning when Adam and Eve sinned, God promised that He would provide a WAY. And he did - - - Yes it is the only way!

  2. May we ever be a slave to Christ although He has emancipated us and raised us up together to sit with him.

  3. I love this. It has been a long time since I have studied this man. Maybe I will have to dig a little deeper and come up with a unit study for my daughter. Fantastic post!

  4. Since I was a young teenager, I have loved the story of great faith that George Washington Carver had. It gave all his discoveries and inventions value in Christ. I especially like all that he did with peanuts.

  5. Praise God for a humble man who is still showing us how to live as Christians.
