
Who Said It's Just A Cuss Word?

We apologize for this extra step, but this devotion from 2011 was updated and is now located at the link below.

We pray that this devotion will encourage you!

Who Said it's Just a Cuss Word?


  1. I have a ? - my kids love the Lord. They attend public high school and are exposed to bad words daily. They don't say bad words but I know those words are in their minds and they fight not to give in and say them - any advice or encouragement I could pass on to help them? Thank you, Jenny C.

  2. One thing I've found helpful in overcoming and preventing sins in my own life is to memorize verses that speak directly to the problem. If you thought they'd be open to it, maybe they could memorize Ephesians 4:29. It seems kind of simplistic, but God's Word really is alive and it touches our hearts and minds in ways beyond our understanding. It's also good to discuss this with them and let them know that being tempted is part of life, but God can give them the power to overcome those temptations. I know every family and every child is different, and maybe these suggestions will not fit your situation, but I will pray that God gives you peace and guidance about your concerns, Jenny. Thanks for sharing your question. If any other readers have advice, I hope they will leave it in a comment too. Gail

  3. This is such a wonderful reminder Gail, and such a good lesson to take to heart. It is a good heart check- do we use His name in vein with our actions and deeds? I know I do sometimes, thank the Lord for His mercy and guidance! Blessings to you :)

    ~Nicole, Working Kansas Homemaker

  4. Wow, that's convicting. This is going to cause me to examine things today.

  5. very true and helpful
