
Is 10% Biblical?

Most Christians talk about "tithing" - is this a New Testament principle? This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

When she was a small child, her mom gave her a few dollars to spend on her grandfather’s birthday gift.

When she grew up, she earned a good income and her grandfather gave her a substantial inheritance, but each year she continued to buy him a small, inexpensive gift.

Sounds ungrateful and childish, but I wonder if it isn't how we sometimes treat God. Statistics show that Christians rarely give even 10% of their incomes to Church or missions.

New Testament believers are no longer commanded to tithe, but we are commanded to give. For most of us 10% is too little to give, not too much.

God knows our finances. He doesn't expect us to give money we don't have. He evaluates our motives. 

Are we selfishly spending money on things we don't need and giving God the left-overs? Our priorities matter more than the amount we give. See In God's Economy, Sometimes Less is More and Don't Give God your Left-overs.

Christ paid a price for us that we can never repay (1 Corinthians 6:20; 1 Peter 1:17-19). New Testament giving is an act of gratefulness, not a legalistic command.

We need to drop the words "tithe" and "10%" when it comes to giving and use New Testament words for giving:
• Heartfelt
• Freely
• Cheerfully
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7

The way we prioritize our money is a direct reflection of our values in life.

What do you think…is 10% too much, too little or just the right amount to give? Leave a comment and let me know!
For more about New Testament giving: Got Questions
To read about a time when my husband and I suffered financial loss, read No Matter What.

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Most Christians talk about "tithing" - is this a New Testament principle? This 1-minute devotion explains. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. You know I agree that the tithe is not in the New Covenant but still struggle because my church says that's what we are supposed to do. I hpwever do give as I can and as I feel led but again I stuggle with guilt sometimes over whether or not its the right thing to do. Great post. Love that it's short and strait to the point.

  2. Thanks, Julie. I pray that you will "struggle well"--I know God has peace and understanding in this for you. Blessings on you!

  3. Thank you for this post. My church has always emphasized this and never calls an offering a tithe. I was actually surprised to find churches that still did. As in all things in the New Testament, we should do things out of love, not out of Old Covenant laws (although they are a good tutorial on how to shape our hearts).

  4. I agree that the traditional 10% is not in the New Testament--the elders and preacher at my church stress giving "as we have been blessed" (which I think sums up the process quite nicely). :)
    We must be careful in finding a church that does things as they should be done (according to the examples set in the New Testament--not the law of the Old).
    Thanks for the insightful reminder! :)

  5. What the church or rather the believers in Acts did was bring all they had and distributed among themselves as there was need - we certainly aren't modeling THAT standard. I don't think we have to drop the tithe. It was a set amount also just to take care of the needs of those working in the temple. We still have "temple" workers, and we have "temple" buildings that need taking care of and payment. The promises concerning the tithe in the Old Testament haven't passed away. Neither Jesus nor Paul, or any of the NT writers did away with tithing. If anything they added to it by saying giving should be done with a cheerful heart.
    Acts 2:43-45, Malachi 3:10,

  6. The New Testament doesn't mention "10%." However, while most people tend to see that as "freedom" from the obligation to tithe, the mentionings of giving in the New Testament go beyond the 10% obligation (such as with the widow's mite). The New Testament requires a lot more of us than most Christians today want to admit--everything. We give 10% plus an offering on top of that, because it's what we feel led to do. But, it's a choice we each have to make for ourselves. However, I think that a lot of Christians these days tends to use excuses, and grace, and everything else to do whatever they want and absolve themselves of the standards of living God sets forth in his word.

    (I left this comment anonymously because I feel that tithing is a private and personal thing and would never want it to be misinterpreted as "boasting" that I tithe...Christ mentions that as well)

  7. The word "tithe" is mentioned in the NT by Jesus, but the reference is regarding those who tithe, but don't do the "more important" things. Just because something isn't in the NT, that doesn't mean we dump it. Tithes are not offerings. They are totally different. Offerings are above & beyond the tithe. The tithe is the 10% (the least we can do to show our respect & thanks for what we've been blessed with) that we give to apply to the expenses of the church (that there may be meet in My houses. Mal. 3:10)

  8. I love how God gave us a guideline to live by, but also reminds us it is a heart issue. I love giving, and would give as much as God would have me too. I don't give with the intention of receiving stuff back, but God always blesses above and beyond. Whenever I am not obedient with my tithe I feel like I have less money then when I tithe.

  9. You can give without Loving, but you can't love without giving.

    10% is what should be given to God. It's not about having the feeling to be led. You dont have to feel led just to give ur tithes. It is an automatic thing for the Lord.
    Offering is different feom tithes.
    All this sums up to loving God. If you love God and is a part of a church, ofcourse you would want to help the men of God. I am a leader in my church but I dont get paid. And its okay. God blesses me anyway. I always see to it that the needs of my church is being attended like the electricity, rent, water and the like.

    We give because through giving we honor God. We show our love for Him and also, it is our OBLIGATION.

    Let's stop complaining and just give. ;) Godbless!

  10. We don't use tithes in the same way OT people did. It was primarily to meet the needs of the poor. We pay taxes for that and never stop complaining about it!

  11. We don't use tithes in the same way OT people did. It was primarily to meet the needs of the poor. We pay taxes for that and never stop complaining about it!

  12. Tithing and giving are two separate "tithe" or return to the Lord what is His, for all things are His, including money. However, make no mistake, He does not need our money. It is simply what we are called to do, return to Him the first fruits of what He has so graciously given to you to begin with. Then, anything above that is "giving" an offering, sowing seeds.

  13. First of all the old testament Jews didn't actually just pay 10% they in fact paid 23% or a little bit more. Second, I want to stress one point that in the new testament there is no teaching at all about tithing- I'm aware of Jesus talking in Matt 23:23. Even when Paul wrote his letters to a churche that is mostly made of gentile believers like Corinthians he didn't teach about tithing at all though it was a very good opportunity to do so. Tithing is part of the mosaic law (Abraham paid from spoils and Jacob promised 10% and as a commandment and most probably once) and doesn't apply to new testament believers. Tithing was mainly used to provide for the workers in the temple as the system in the old testament was clearly a theocracy. Now, I agree that 10% establishes a good habit and declares faith in God. And I'm aware without being judgemental that most of us who say 10% is not required in the new testament say this because we don't want to pay anything and we use this as an excuse. But some churches and teachers emphasize tithing and would say our financial blessings are related to them which is not true. My point simply put, follow the new testament teaching and give from a gracious heart. If you can pay 10% or even more then I would say you should.

    1. I agree with you totally, Hadi. This devotion was not meant to enforce a tithing rule but to show that God loves generous givers.

    2. Yes we agree with what Hadi has shared. All that we have belongs to the Lord. Our giving should always be out of gratefulness and we should give generously as the Spirit prompts us. There is always blessing when we give freely and out of love for what Christ has done for us.

    3. And I'm another who agrees with your understanding on this matter, Hadi. Sometimes I read these short studies and then I read the replies and I wonder if they even read the study or looked at scripture for themselves about the matter.

  14. I believe you give as you purpose in your heart.

  15. I usually give 10 % for our church's general fund and 10% into the Thanksgiving 、 building、 Mission、 love funds and to support other Evangelical groups. I do it after prayers every week but the basic amount is mandatory.

  16. Dependant on income giving 10% can mean starvation for a family or it can be a drop in the ocean. Maybe we should consider giving time to others as a valuable contribution in addition to giving according to one's means.

  17. For some, 10% is a drop in the bucket, for others, it makes hot dogs unaffordable! We should be generous, but sensible. In our circles, by the time an average income family pays Christian school tuition, there isn't much left over.

  18. Gail I was a counter years ago at my church. I was amazed at the broad range of giving, some used the envelope system and gave $5 a week and others 1000's. I can tell you that God is faithful when we give. I lost my business several years ago and had to declare bankruptcy. I kept giving what I could which was not much but God blessed us through that. Many times there wasn't any food for the next day but I would get up to go to work and find a basket at the door. Giving out of your excess is how we give but remember the widows mite. Her rewards in heaven will be great. I think that 10% is a good starting point for a new believer but as we grow so should our giving.

    1. I've heard that we would be surprised by who and how much people give.

      And I agree with you that giving out of the surplus is easier than giving when it costs us something.

      I'm glad you were rewarded for your faithfulness.

  19. When we realize it is all His, it becomes much easier to give our all back to Him. When that is our heart, He always provides 'enough' for the needs we have in this world.

  20. Generally, we interpret the Bible literally - all of it. Tithing is not part of the ceremonial law. Abraham tithed to Melchizedek amd God promises to bless us as we tithe "I will pour out a blessing" in Malachi 3:10. In Luke 11:42, Jesus said, "these ought ye to have done" - referring to the tithe. I tithe because I want God's blessing. I don't do much more because I don't know if I can afford it. I am happy to give- what I can and do not require anyone else to give anything. But God HAS BLESSED US.

    1. Hi Claypot,
      Yes, we give because we love the Lord and want to help the spread of His kingdom and show our gratefulness for all that He gives us.

      Actually, in the Old Testament, there were 3 required tithes: 10% to support the Levites (workers in the temple), 10% to spend on travel and expenses for the feasts/holidays, and 10% to support the needy.

      The Scripture you quote would refer to these Old Testament laws which were in place until Christ's redemption on the Cross. Christ was rebuking the Pharisees for being meticulous in giving their tithes but neglecting more important moral laws.

  21. Well I am just excited because I have finally began to tithe. I have always given both of, time talent and money but never a true tithe. So now you have given me more to meditate on. Which I will do, but for now tithing is a goal I have had for along time.
    I know that from the ages of 22 to 53, I provided and shared a home with my Mom who was a paraplegic from a surgery mistake. I saw your that her needs were met physically, socially , emotionally and intellectually. That took finances. So I don't know if God counts that as giving per st. She was left by her husband for another woman so she was like a widow. He did not provide for her except when they sold our grocery store she was given a token sum.
    I paid all the expense for good clothing and shelter for my husband for 3 years. Now he pays for most of the groceries and I pray everything else . So if God counts stuff like that. .I don't know. That is why to tithe is a big step for me. Yes I hope to do more in the future. He has had cancer surgery and is recovering and I have Osteoporosis which I need treatments for but am covered by medical insurance I pray for. I have a debt of $8000.00 which is under a debt payment plan. I have no charge card debts as I pray up my MC every month. My car has just been prayed off but I have $1800.00 in repairs coming up as per malfunctioning seat belts and aur bags and brake repair and maintenance.
    So I do the best I can. I do not go on holidays. Have no expensive hobbies. I paid Vet bills for 14 years for our beautiful rescue dogs who both had health issues that needed addressing.
    So there it is. I am happy to give my tithe and want to give more.
    In Jesus name Amen.

    1. Hi Marilynn,
      It sounds like you are taking your responsibilities very seriously, and seeking to please the Lord. That is the attitude God desires in us.
      God bless you,

  22. We believe that 10% in dollars is our MINIMUM return to HIM for our many blessings.
    Our time and talents should always be used to "grow the Kingdom". That being said, we also believe that "tithe" is definitely a sign of our spiritual obedience and growth in HIM.

  23. I find it sad that today churches hammer so on giving money! I very seldom give money in church..... but I do give to people that God puts on my way and often much more than 10% once we asked a pastor to help some one in need but than he asked a bunch of questions and he thought the person may not use the money right... we never ask or wonder what the person we give do with what we give ! also one can give other things than just money, like time or what ever some one might need !

  24. Hello, I don't believe 10% is alot or not enough. I believe you can only give what you can give for your tithe at church. It would be different if we all had money and plenty of wealth!!. But alot of people don't have wealth be or alot of money. I have way too many bills to pay and taxes to pay off, it's overwhelming for me and family. And there are many people out there with the same understanding and circumstances also. Everyone is all different with different scenarios in life. I believe people can do it to there budget for what they can do and take it one day at a time and pray and move forward towards the future.

  25. I was brought up in a wonderful Christian home. And I was taught, at an early age, that 10% was required of us. But I was also taught that you had not given an offering until you had given over that 10%. So I tithe my income, but I also give an offering in other areas for my church and missions.
