
How the Yoga Pants Debate Revealed Problems in Our Christianity

This post is about more than yoga pants. The "yoga pants debate" Revealed some errors in our thinking and in our speaking as Christians.

A few years ago, 
Veronica Partridge said she'd been convicted not to wear yoga pants because she felt they were immodest. The backlash went viral and Veronica and her husband ended up on Good Morning America trying to explain their beliefs.

Whether Christians want to admit it or not, modesty is important to God (Proverbs 11:22; 1 Timothy 2:9). (See Right & Wrong)

While I've never taken a personal stand on yoga pants except to admit I don't look good in them, I was disappointed in the way many Christians handled the debate. (See 3 Times to Bite Your Lip)

This debate may or may not be a thing of the past, but the attitudes expressed in this debate affect more than our view of modesty. So let's take a moment to discuss them:

Veronica shared her conviction honestly and humbly without condemnation of others, but many Christians responded angrily. 

This post is about more than yoga pants. The "yoga pants debate" Revealed some errors in our thinking and in our speaking as Christians.
Anger: When we don't agree with another believer, why does it make us mad?
Anger may be an indication that we know we're wrong but don't want to admit it. (See 5 Tips for Handling Anger

Non-essentialsRomans 14 tells us we should be respectful of other Christian's non-essential convictions, even if we don't agree. And if we want to share our viewpoint it's always important that we share it kindly with humility and grace. (See 9 Tips For Leaving Kind Comments)

Rudeness: My Momma said "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." And she got that from Jesus who said we should speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). If we can't disagree without getting personal or rude or self-righteous, then we need to say nothing at all. And we need to examine our heart. (See If You Can't Say Anything Nice.) 

This post is about more than yoga pants. The "yoga pants debate" Revealed some errors in our thinking and in our speaking as Christians.
Intentions: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29
(See Salt & Grace)

Inaccurate comparisons: Some Christians in this yoga pants debate insisted that talking about yoga pants was silly. They felt we should be focusing on more important things like starving children in Africa. (See The Devil is in the Details)

Comparing world problems to Veronica's conviction isn't fair. She wasn't deciding whether to do something about personal modesty or whether to do something about starving children in Africa.

Would we tell a Christian friend we can't pray for her sick child because there's something more important going on in world politics? Of course not. (See Little Messes)

Little things matter: Many people would say that this yoga pants debate was insignificant, a "little thing" for sure. But the feedback made it a big thing, proving that little things often lead to bigger things. Jesus explains this truth: "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much." Luke 16:10 (NASB)

I think the yoga pants debate has application beyond yoga pants and modesty. It showed us some areas of our Christianity that we need to address. Little things, perhaps, but little things that have big consequences. 

God cares what we wear. And He cares how we express ourselves.

Help us, Lord, to be faithful in the small stuff.
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This post is about more than yoga pants. The "yoga pants debate" Revealed some errors in our thinking and in our speaking as Christians.


  1. this is SO GOOD. SO GOOD. Like GOOD as in "YES! As a young woman watching more mature people/Christians in my life act like two year olds when it comes to their oppinions and convictions and we'll spend a good hour defending and shaming on a blog post in the comment section -- time that could have been spent in our Bibles or in other areas of work/service-- we display super unChristlike behavior... IN THE NAME OF BEING more "accurate" about our convictions." THAT kind of Christianity is that kind that A) is NOT attractive to my generation :( and B) isn't attracting the lost to Christ :(. BAD TESTIMONIES.
    But it was also the GOOD ''eww..... I do that sometimes.... ouch.... CONVICTION!" post, too :) God bless you and this ministry! I almost ALWAYS come away from this edified, having learned something, with a new perspective, or greatly encouraged/uplifted. THANK. YOU. <3 <3

    1. Thanks for sharing your enthusiastic response : )
      I'm glad that this spoke to you.
      God bless,

  2. Wonderful post! I think when people leave hateful comments it is an indication that something is amiss in their lives and that we should pray for them.The devil loves discordance.

  3. I agree. I admire those who have convictions and are willing to stand by them. The Bible tells us to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling and what might be a hindrance to me might not be to you. Also, we were not called to be judge and jury. Even Jesus did not come for that but to seek and to save that which was lost. Let's not forget the greatest commandment, "to love one another".

  4. Lovely post. I have observed many times that when people get angry at someone else for doing the *right thing,* or feel a need to strongly criticize someone else's service to God- it often means that they have a guilty conscience on the matter.

    My little girl was recently reading a book about a childhood friendship ("The Secret Cave of Robinwood" by Paul McCusker) In the story, one child did wrong to another child, then the child who did wrong became irrationally angry at the innocent child. So it is often with adults, too.

  5. I learned a long time ago that God deals with us as individuals. Your weakness may be my strength. One thing may bother one Christian but not the other because of this. Only me and God knows my weakest links and he helps us to establish a guard to protect us called conviction. When people have to make critical comments about others it is usually because they are covering up there own sin so they blow smoke on others!
