
Biblical Parenting

The devotions in this collection address some important aspects of parenting from a Biblical perspective.

These posts deal with children, parenting, and family. I don't pretend to be an expert in any of these areas, but I hope some of my insights (many learned through my own mistakes) will be helpful. Gail 

This short devotion encourages us to quit giving in to our children and start helping them develop self-control. It offers Scripture and other resources.

This devotion shares the importance of making children work and wait for things they want.

Christians often make a "list" of appropriate priorities, but the Bible doesn't actually suggest such a list. This short, concise, devotion shares what Scripture actually teachers.

Many of the popular parenting ideas contradict the principles in the Bible, but it's easy to be mislead. this short devotion gives some important insights.

We need to quit misusing Proverbs 22:6 to blame parents and let adult children off the hook.

Dangers of High Self-Esteem

We need to admit we've bought into the non-Biblical self-esteem philosophy. This short devotion looks at Galatians 6. 

The devotions in this collection address some important aspects of parenting from a Biblical perspective.

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