
We Need It Series

This series of short devotions on "Things Christians Need" is a perfect Bible study series for small groups or Bible studies.

This series addresses some essential elements of our faith in Christ. Things that Christians need ... and things that Christians need to understand. 

We can talk about concepts like joy, hope, discernment, and grace, but we don't always understand the biblical meaning of these things. You might think this study is for beginners. Not so. These devotions can encourage and inspire Christians at every level of maturity. Even though each of these devotions only takes one minute to read, they all contain additional resources and full-text Scriptures for more in-depth study.  These are great devotions to study during your quiet time, with a prayer partner, or with a small group.

This 1-minute devotion offers 5 wonderful truths about Christian joy. Read it and Rejoice!
Genuine Peace can only come from the Lord. This 1-minute devotion explains 7 elements of biblical peace.
This 1-minute devotion explains 5 truths about repentance that every Christian should understand.

What Christian Hope is, what it produces in us, and how we gain it. Plus more than 20 hope-filled Scripture verses.

We Need It: Truth

Biblical Truth is essential to our faith, but it is under continual attack. This devotion offers over 20 Scriptures. 


We Need It: Grace

12 Wonderful truths about God's Grace plus 25 Scriptures about Grace. Be Blessed!


We Need It: Sanctification

There are lots of misunderstandings about sanctification. This short devotion helps explain it.


We Need It and Need to Give It: Forgiveness 

This devotion discusses the importance of giving and receiving Forgiveness. 


We Need It: God's Word

We need God's Word so much!! This 1-minute devotion explains 6 characteristics of God's Word.


We Need It: More of God's Word

These 9 wonderful life-changing benefits and purposes of God's Word deepen our love for Scripture.


We Need It: Encouragement

Scripture encourages us with verses about encouragement so we can encourage others and receive encouragement ourselves. Encouraging!

We Need It: Self-Denial

This short devotion explains why self-denial is a non-negotiable aspect of faith in Christ. We cannot follow both Christ and culture.

We Need It: Correction

We can fight against it and become foolish or accept it and grow. This 1-minute devotion explains.



We Need It: Patience 

This devotion shares 7 Biblical truths about Patience. It also contains a collection of Bible passages about Patience. 

We Need It: Courage

Hostility toward Christians is increasing, but we have a special type of courage that comes from our Lord. Plus 15 Scriptures about Courage.

We Need It: Humility

7 Biblical Truths about Humility. And #7 is wonderful!!

We Need It: Discernment 

We need Discernment more than ever before. This short devotion offers multiple Scriptures and 3 essential elements of discernment. 


We Need It: Fear of the Lord

We desperately need the good type of fear: Fear of God. This devotion explains.


We Need It: Kindness 

Biblical Kindness is an incredible blessing. This short devotion explains God's Kindness and human kindness. Be Inspired!

We Need It: A Submissive Heart This devotion explains the importance of submission in the Christian life and it shares 5 Areas where Christians are commanded to submit to others. By honoring others we honor God. 

Everyone is given one. Some people develop it and some people destroy it. This devotion explains. 

It's not popular to talk about self-control, but this 1-minute devotion explains 4 areas where self-control is life-changing.

Scripture gives us guidance and instruction about something every believer needs: Perseverance.

This devotion explains the importance of Trust in our relationship with the Lord.

A quick but meaningful look at love as described in 1 Corinthians 13. We need this kind of love and we need to give it to others.

This series of short devotions on "Things Christians Need" is a perfect Bible study series for small groups or Bible studies.

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