
Joyful Grandparenting: Be Available

We've talked about 3 ways to be a joyful, deliberate grandparent:

1. Sharing our gifts
2. Sharing our faith 
3. Praying

Another way we can be joyful grandparents is to: Be Available and Flexible 

“I don’t want to go to the gym today,” 4-year-old Gracie said to her mom, “Would you call Grammy and see if I can go to her house?”

“I don’t know if Grammy wants to babysit today,” my daughter replied.

“Oh, Grammy doesn’t babysit me,” Gracie said, “We just hang out together.”

Grandparents usually have more time than parents. Even if they’re working full time, they have fewer dependent family members to keep them busy. It’s true that age steals some of our energy, but reserving some of that energy for our grands is well worth it. If you haven’t learned it yet, it’s high time to learn the art of just “hangin’ out.”

Being available can also require some self-denial. I'm not saying that we should give up all of our plans to watch our grandchildren. We can make our grandchildren self-centered if we let them rule our lives (See Teaching Children about Needs and Desires). It requires prayer and God's wisdom to balance our priorities. I encourage you to read my 1-minute devotion Rolling Right or the devotion A Wheel, Not a List which is the first in a series about Christian priorities.

You also might enjoy this 1-minute devotion about a time when I had to choose between my desires and my grandson's: When Love Calls me to Come.

And sometimes God gives us sweet reminders of the value of spending time with our grandchildren. I wrote about one of those times in my 1-minute devotion What I Learned about God from Cartoons and Cinnamon Rolls

Biblical, concise, affordable devotional

💙Be sure to check out The Bible Love Notes devotional Wisdom for Life. It's discounted on LifewayAmazon, and CBD

And you can also sign up for a free subscription to Bible Love Notes 1-minute devotions HERE.

This article is part of an article published in Reach Out Columbia, September 2012.

One joy of grandparenting is based on biblical priorities. This devotion explains.

One joy of grandparenting is based on biblical priorities. This devotion explains.


  1. I'm really bad about just hanging out. I tend to want to have projects and activities planned rather than just seeing what comes up. Thank you for the reminder. And thank you, too, for sharing this in the GRAND Social!

    1. Projects and activities are fine...just hanging out can include these type of things...I think the availability is the key.

  2. We definitely hang out! We love planning to do things together and there is nothing better than anything you do holding hands with a grandchild!

  3. that is the most important thing to being a good grandma. kelley—the road goes ever ever on

  4. I actually am involved in babysitting grandchildren quite a bit. We do get to hang out together sometime, but I've learned that projects help keep everyone working cheerfully together with less squabbling. But those "projects" can range from crafts to running around the yard playing ball tag with them - one of their favorite things actually. And plenty of moments for God to use to share His love and truths woven in throughout our time together - one of MY favorite things. :)

    1. I agree...God moments come at any's more about availability than activity. And you are certainly available if you are babysitting your grands.

  5. LOL that is so just hang out. From the mouth of babes...that's a tremendous compliment :)

  6. Most of the time when I have my grand kids, I am busy with feeding, cleaning up after, and refereeing fights. (they are all still very small) I love it when I can have them one at a time. Then we truly just hang out, and I can really focus on those 'God moments' :) Thanks for this series and linking it with me.
