
Haunted by What I'd Seen and Heard

Do you know what certain images can do to our thinking and values? This 1-minute devotion explains using a relevant passage in Ephesians. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Many years ago while doing foster care, I attended a Social Service’s seminar on child abuse. 

I didn’t realize the seminar would include graphic images and descriptions of sexual abuse. Only through the prayers of friends was I able to overcome the sad, oppressive thoughts that haunted me for days afterward. 

Violent and sexual images deeply affect us, yet they are common elements in popular TV, books, and movies. When we repeatedly entertain ourselves with these things, we change our values and attitudes without realizing it.

That’s why God tells us to “live as children of light" having "nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness." In fact, Scripture says it's "shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret," let alone entertain ourselves with such things (Ephesians 5:8-15).

We must heed God's warning to be careful about these things (Ephesians 5:15).

Sometimes I get careless and watch things I shouldn't. Do you ever do this?

If so, will you join me today in making it a matter of prayer? Let's ask the Lord to help us be very careful to live as children of light.

These 1-minute devotions add some additional thoughts:
Porno is Porno
A Biblical Warning from an Unlikely Source

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Do you know what certain images can do to our thinking and values? This 1-minute devotion explains using a relevant passage in Ephesians. #BibleLoveNotes #Bible

Bible Love Notes


  1. Gail,
    What a great reminder to "put no evil thing in front of our eyes". It is amazing and sad how de-sensitized we get to things over the course of time. I wanted to thank you for stopping by Posed Perfection this week and leaving me a sweet comment about the Frugal Pumpkins. I hope you'll visit again soon! I'm a new follower of your blog.

  2. I made the decision to stop watching the 'Law and Order' TV shows. I found myself becoming complacent to the evil portrayed in the SVU episodes, and could not justify 'only watching the original' Law and Orders. I know the evil exists; I need not immerse myself in it. Haggai 1:5 and 1:7--"Give careful thought to your ways".

    1. This is exactly what I needed to see. I needed this conviction. Thank you.

  3. It is sad to know about the abuse done to children, women and others, but to view it in a group seminar must have been terrible. Our foster daughter was abused and she was able to rise above it and become a woman of valor today. Thank you for your visit to my blog and your views on tatoos. I am angered when I view my lovely foster grandchildren and others with these marks that will last them a life time. I did not have enough contact with them after we retired, but I must not blame myself or their mother, as they were all of age when they made this decision.

    1. What a blessing to know that your foster daughter was able to overcome her problems through Christ. I'm sure God used you for that purpose as well. Bless you, Gail

  4. Thanks, Gail for your "espresso shots!" Funny you should write about this (and that Cyn would comment!)now; I recently wrote about having to cut out Law and Order SVU and certain books I was reading to focus on goodness and light! Just another one of those "God coincidences!"
    Blessings to you!
    Melinda (Auntie Em)

    1. It's fun to experience those "God coincidences" isn't it? Just another confirmation that our God's message is unchanging even when he speaks to us in different ways. Bless you, Gail

  5. Lord, please help me to guard the gates to my mind and my soul, my ears and my eyes!

    Wonderful post! This is a timely word, and it is something that we must not take for granted! Our adversary, the devil, is a very cunning adversary. Let us be careful to guard our gates, in Jesus' name! Thank you for sharing this word, for such a time as this!


  6. I don't watch TV. We pulled the plug years ago. We only have computers but today you can find ANYTHING wicked on the computer. That is why blogging with so many lovely ladies is so wonderful as we can spend our time in a God honoring way.

    I can relate to your experiences with fostering, Gail. And "A Joyful Noise", I just want to encourage you NOT to blame yourself in anyway. I am sure you did the best you knew how in raising your foster daughter. It is sooo hard to see these young people grow up and make choices that will affect them for years to come. Keep your eyes on Jesus.

  7. If the images you saw haunted you imagine how the people who are victims of sexual abuse must feel!

  8. Thank you for sharing this reminder with the Thrive @ Home link up!

  9. I agree. A lot of shows are like this. I remember watching dancing with the stars. Although the show really didn't have any themes that were bad, the way the ladies dressed was too much for my children and for my husband. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

  10. Thank you Gail for linking up over at WholeHearted Home. I think I might have read this and commented before you linked up?

  11. I surely watch what I put in front of my kids on tv. My husband on the other hand watches zombie movies all these violent movies and don't care if the girls see it. It upsets me so I make sure he watches these in our bedroom and don't let the girls hang out with him when he watches them. I wish he wouldn't watch them at all! I believe if you watch evil on tv that evil will come in your home. What advise would you give me when it's my husband who is watching all this garbage on tv?

  12. Great reminder. I'm being a lot more cautious with that too. Even cartoons are just to much for my already active boys. But even disney for girls isnt really safe..psywar documentary on youtube is very intetesting. Speaks of how propaganda has been used in about everything in america. Satan is out to kill steal and destroy, john 10:10. Lets hang on to Jesus becsuse only he is stronger than the enemy. Blessings

  13. Thank you so much- I was absolutely thinking about that. There is a very popular show full of violence, sexual violence and nudity - it's called ''Game of Thrones''. Just this past Friday, Someone tried to convince me that the graphic material is not the plot itself but part of it, and that it was tolerable because of how good the show was. I tried telling them that as a Christian and a woman with a sensitive spirit, I couldn't abide watching these things, however, I wondered later on if I was being too much of a prude. Nonetheless, even before seeing this, I had made up my mind to not watch the show but you've just strengthen my position. Thanks and keep the faith!

    1. I have also been encouraged by good Christian friends to watch something that I knew would not be good for me. But I admit it can be a temptation.

      I believe you made the right decision, Ganise.
      God bless you,

  14. Please pray for me and my son that God will take everything that's unclean and not of God out of our lives,our minds,our soul and fill it fill of his way his words and build us the right way to live,think,ack,and obey him not the worlds way ! In jesus's name !

    1. I lift up you and your son and pray that you will let God completely cleanse your hearts and minds and give you peace, wisdom, and guidance so you can serve Him fully.

  15. Your moment reminded me of this YouTube Christian Movie called Breakthrough. Social workers and police officers see death; spiritual and emotional death and it's culprits of violence. So sad that you went through this, but Praise God for your testimony. Remind us never to accept the world's covering of sin and violence. We should definitely pray.
