
Jesus Answers a Weird Question

The Disciples asked Jesus a weird question, and there's much we can learn from his answer.

In John 9:1-5, the disciples ask a weird question when they see a man who was born blind: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents?” 

“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

Many people today ask the same weird question the disciples asked, assuming if a Christian is sick or facing difficulties, they must deserve it. That's how Job’s friends judged Job's tragedies even though Job lived a godly life (Job 1). 

We humans are good at creating formulas, trying to understand things beyond our understanding.

Jesus healed many different people, some who were sick because of sin (John 5:1-14), some who had faith (Mark 5:25-34), some who were healed because their friends had faith (Luke 5:17-26), some who exhibited no faith before their healing (John 9), some who glorified God after their healing and some who didn't even thank Him (Luke 17:11-19).

Jesus cares deeply about us, but His main purpose in signs and wonders was to prove He is the Light, the Messiah, the Son of God (Acts 2:22). 

We can't fully understand the workings of God (1 Corinthians 13:12). We don't always know why someone is sick, why someone is healed, or why a faithful believer is not healed (e.g., 1 Timothy 5:23).

Are you struggling with an unanswered question or unresolved difficulty?  

Never forget that God works all things for the good of those who trust Him (Romans 8:28). 


See A Message About Healing. It involves a faithful believer who was not healed. And Did Christ Link All Healing to Faith? offers additional insights.

If you've purchased Wisdom for Life, I suggest you read or reread Day 54 to reinforce the truths in this devotion. 

If you haven't purchased Wisdom for Life, check out the great sales on LifewayAmazon, and CBD.

The Disciples asked Jesus a weird question, and there's much we can learn from his answer.

The Disciples asked Jesus a weird question, and there's much we can learn from his answer.


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