
3 Ways Queen Esther Calls Us to Action

The story of Queen Esther has application for Christians today. Here are 3 specific ways it calls us to action.

In Esther 3, the Persians plan to kill the Jews in Persia. Queen Esther is Jewish, and her uncle Mordecai tells her to speak to the king. Esther explains that she could die for approaching the king without permission. But Mordecai tells her that she has a responsibility to save her people because God had placed her in the royal household “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:12-14). 

Esther meets the challenge and saves the Jews. 

Acts 17:24-27 explains that God has also placed each of us in a specific time and place in history, and He has specific plans for each of us (Ephesians 2:10). 

When I heard about the attempted assassination of Trump, I remembered President Kennedy’s assassination when I was twelve. I thought of other world events I’ve experienced such as living in West Germany when Communists controlled half of Europe and living in Hungary as it recovered from forty years of atheistic Communist oppression. 

These things influenced my life, giving me opportunities to live my faith in specific ways based on my history, culture, family, location, and opportunities. 

Like Esther, Christians are commanded to speak up to save lives physically and spiritually:

1. Sharing Christ with the unsaved (Matthew 28:19

2. Speaking up for the oppressed, including the unborn (Proverbs 31:8-9

3. Warning people about the harms of immoral lifestyles (Ephesians 5:1-17)  

Let's seriously consider if we're living out our God-given purposes “for such a time as this.”


My heart is heavy for the cause of the unborn. Some of you may feel I write too much about it. But I believe at such a time as this, as we head into an election that will decide the fate of hundreds of thousands of unborn children over the next four years, that I must speak up. I must regularly remind Christians of our responsibility and expose the many lies spread by proabortion advocates. 

When the evil of slavery was supported by the U.S. government, brave Christians spoke up against it while the majority did nothing and accepted proslavery lies. Please read Would You Have Justified Slavery?  

I will be writing more about abortion in the next few months to inspire the Esthers and Modecais who are willing to take a stand and want to know how to address the propaganda of the proabortion movement. 

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The story of Queen Esther has application for Christians today. Here are 3 specific ways it calls us to action.
The story of Queen Esther has application for Christians today. Here are 3 specific ways it calls us to action.


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