
One Day at a Time: A Biblical Principle

Matthew 6 contains some important principles for dealing with our daily challenges.

One day at a time” has been the title of songs and television shows, but it’s also a biblical principle for dealing with the stresses of our daily lives.

Matthew 6 is packed with helpful advice from our Savior. And His final words are about worry and priorities: 

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34). 

This is such an important key for healthy Christian living. And it follows an important truth in the previous verse: Seek first His Kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

Can we handle a year’s worth of relationship difficulties in the next twenty-four hours? How about a year’s worth of financial challenges or health problems? 

Even when bad things are inevitable, we can avoid anxiety by seeking God's purposes and confidently trusting Him to get us through one day at a time.

God knows the future, and He promises to use the worst of situations for our good (1 John 5:1-5; Romans 8:28). 

So let's wake up tomorrow and the next day and the next, seeking God's kingdom purposes and knowing He will give us all the strength and courage we need for that day.   


For more insights, see:
The answer to this question might surprise you, considering what I've just written in this devotion, but it's not contradictory.

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Matthew 6 contains some important principles for dealing with our daily challenges.

Bible Love Notes

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