
Sin Brings Destruction and Breeds Destruction

Once we accept one sin, it always leads to more. If we can't trust one of God's commands, we'll eventually distrust them all.

Satan loves twisting God’s wise and protective commands, making them sound offensive and unkind. 

He told Eve that God’s command regarding the forbidden fruit was simply God’s way of keeping her from being like God. And Eve's single violation of God’s garden command brought destruction (Genesis 3). 

But it didn't end there. Sin brings destruction and breeds destruction (James 1:13-15). 

By that, I mean that once we reject one of God’s commands, it always leads to more unless we sincerely repent. When we doubt God's wisdom in one area, it's natural to doubt Him in other areas as well.

When our culture rejected God’s command about premarital sex, they set the stage for our current situation. 

First, premarital sex was accepted, then living together became the norm. Adultery and pornography became more prevalent. Next, unnatural forms of sex were accepted and then celebrated (Romans 1:26-27). Now, gender reassignment is becoming normal even though it changes normal body functions with drugs and mutilates healthy body parts. But it doesn't stop there. Parents are also giving doctors permission to drug and mutilate their underage children.

I guarantee that the people who ushered in the approval of premarital sex never saw what they were breeding any more than Eve understood what her sin would breed (e.g., the murder of her son – Genesis 4:6-8). But sin brings destruction and breeds destruction.

Let's not let this happen in our lives. Let's deal quickly with our sins because “whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much” (Luke 16:10).


Note: There is a false teaching that premarital sex is not prohibited in Scripture. It's important that we understand this issue biblically, not culturally. See Clear Proof that Premarital Sex Is Forbidden in Scripture

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Once we accept one sin, it always leads to more. If we can't trust one of God's commands, we'll eventually distrust them all.

Bible Love Notes

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