
Our Shield, Our Glory, Our Head-Lifter

Psalm 3 provides the most wonderful picture of our relationship with the Lord. This devotion explains 3 elements of His love.

David wrote Psalm 3 when he was greatly distressed, surrounded by enemies. 

“But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.” (Psalm 3:3-4 KJV) 

Our Shield
David was a warrior king and he knew the incredible importance of a shield in battle. That's why he recognized God as his shield. 

We Christians are also in a battle, and we need to understand the importance of God as our shield. In the midst of difficulties, mistreatment, and anti-Christian propaganda, He shields us with His Word, His Spirit, His love, and His comfort. 

Our Glory
David also knew God was his glory, the source of all good things in his life. Whatever glory David brought to God came through God. 

As we depend on God and seek His will, he uses us for His glory. 

The Lifter of Our Head
My favorite aspect of this psalm is when David describes God as the lifter of his head. 

Sometimes the challenges of life leave us with our heads down, feeling broken, abandoned, alone. That’s when the hand of God can lift our heads and help us focus on His glory and the eternal glory that awaits us when our battle on earth is won.

Take time today to remind yourself of these wonderful characteristics of God's love.

I learned this psalm as a new Christian by singing this song: My Glory and the Lifter of My Head.

A great hardcover devotional cheaper than most soft-cover books.
For more insights into this wonderful psalm, see He Lifts My Head.

For insights into many wonderful psalms and proverbs, please check out my book Wisdom for Life

It's for sale at a discounted price at LifewayAmazon, and CBD.

Psalm 3 provides the most wonderful picture of our relationship with the Lord. This devotion explains 3 elements of His love.

Bible Love Notes

1 comment:

  1. My shield, my glory, and the lifter of my head! I love the truths in this devotion. Thank you.
