
Warnings from a Former Guru about Hinduism, Yoga, and Buddhism

Dear Christians: Beware, of the Propaganda about New Age and pagan practices.

Many years ago, I read Death of a Guru, the autobiography of Rabi R. Maharaj

It was fascinating to read the way a Brahmin priest and guru found Christ. Despite the fact that he was worshipped as an advanced master in Hindu practices, he denounced them all when he found the only true God. 

Rabi's testimony is helpful when looking at the way pagan and New Age practices have crept into the church. He was heavily involved in yoga, and he wrote this brief explanation: 

“Yoga: Literally ‘yoking,’ it refers to union with Brahman. There are several kinds and schools of Yoga, and various techniques, but all have this same ultimate goal.… The positions and breath control are intended as aids to Eastern meditation.… Yoga is designed specifically to induce a state of trance which supposedly allows the mind to be drawn upward into a yoking with Brahman.… If one desires to achieve physical fitness only, exercises designed for that specific purpose ought rather to be chosen. No part of Yoga can be separated from the philosophy behind it.” Page 208, Death of a Guru (underlining mine) 

Let’s trust the wisdom of this man who truly moved from darkness to light. And let's realize that New Age and Hindu influences are things to be avoided. 

Let’s “have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them” (Ephesians 5:11). See also 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.


Hear Rabi give his testimony: Dangers of Hinduism, Yoga, and Buddhism.

See Bible Love Notes articles about Yoga: Examining Yoga Biblically.

To read the testimony of a woman who once thought these practices were harmless, see I Left the New Age Behind When I Read the Old Testament.

In addition, these articles can be helpful: Halloween, the Enneagram,  Harry Potter books, and the Law of Attraction.
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Dear Christians: Beware, of the Propaganda about New Age and pagan practices.

Bible Love Notes

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