
Culture Has the Wrong Definition of "Courage"

Culture has an upside-down definition for "Courage" giving credit where it's not due.

I recently heard of a sports star who “came out” as gay, and the headlines, TV news, and internet were filled with stories describing his “courage.” 

When a person announces their choice to live a non-heterosexual lifestyle, they’re applauded and admired by the majority of people in the world. Culture supports them, politics supports them, and the media supports them. 

They may face some negative responses, but the majority of people will demonize anyone who fails to celebrate their LGBTQI+ lifestyle.

Contrast this with a person who “comes out” as a Bible-believing Christian graciously explaining God’s loving commands against LGBTQI+ behaviors and warning people of the damage they are doing to their souls.

Will he be described as courageous? Will he have the support of the majority? Will cultural and political leaders respond with admiration? 

No, he’ll face hatred and might even lose his job. He might hear things like “Get outta here with your hate, homophobia, and ignorance.”*

Even worse, many of his fellow believers will remain silent instead of defending him. 

So what takes more courage? Someone who “comes out” as LGBTQI+ or someone who “comes out” as a Bible-believing Christian? 

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. ~ Jesus, John 15:18-19


* This is what one of the actors in The Chosen tweeted when a Christian journalist politely suggested a boycott of The Chosen for allowing and defending a gay pride flag on set. To read more about this situation, see Shall We Excuse the Darkness or Expose It? and listen to the Bible Love Notes 8-minute You Tube video The Chosen: Gay Pride Compromise.

I also encourage you to read We Need It: Courage.

A wonderful hardcover devotional costing less than most paperbacks.

As our culture declines, some Christian materials become tainted by worldly values and half-truths.

If you'd like to read a devotional that treats God's Word carefully, respectfully, and accurately, I recommend Wisdom for Life

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Culture has an upside-down definition for "Courage" giving credit where it's not due.

 Bible Love Notes

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