
Let's Recognize Anti-Christian Bigotry

Let's Recognize the anti-Christian bigotry so prevalent in our culture and start standing up for the family of God!

I've written about this before, but I think it deserves a repeat: We need to stick up for the family of God.

Based on a small minority of bad examples, many people are discrediting all Christians. They're claiming we’re all rude, hypocritical, self-righteous, and hateful. 

I’ve lived all over the United States and in two European countries, and I’ve met some hypocritical, rude, self-righteous, and insincere people who call themselves Christians. But they are in the minority. They do not represent the majority of believers. 

In fact, most of the hypocritical, rude, self-righteous, and insincere people I've met have been unbelievers.

That's why I'm especially disturbed when I hear Christians apologizing for the family of God. We need to correct people who criticize our family and explain that it's bigotry to judge the majority by a non-representative minority. We need to stop giving in to Satan’s shame game and start defending the family of God against bigotry.

Let's Recognize the anti-Christian bigotry so prevalent in our culture and start standing up for the family of God!
This is how our Father describes us: 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Peter 2:9, 1 Timothy 3:15, 1 John 5:5.


This negative stereotyping of Christians has become very popular with ex-vangelicals who use it to justify their rejection of Bible-believing faith. This is explained in Wilderness Wanderers, in sections 2 and 7.

I'm especially disappointed when I see this bigotry from a counseling ministry that presents itself as "Christian": Boundaries - Unsafe Christians.

Bible Love Notes

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