
Don't be Surprised that the Name of Jesus is More Hated than Pagan Names

It's interesting how people have no problem with pagan deities. But when it comes to Jesus, that all changes.

AD (Anno Domini) is Latin for “in the year of the Lord.” BC means “before Christ.” These acronyms have been used to define years since the 9th century. 

However, in the late 20th Century, academic and scientific articles began defining time with CE instead of BC and AD because they determined that these traditional terms were "religious." 

Science still recognizes the pagan names for the days of the week, months of the year, constellations, etc. But the name of Jesus is different. 

In a similar spirit, the Qur’an repeatedly proclaims that God has no son. Why is this so important to Muslims? Because all AD religions were created to distort and/or discredit the only true God.

This is also why Christians are targeted for ridicule far more often than other religious groups, even though some religions are regularly associated with violence and sexism. 

Satan oversees the unsaved world, and his #1 enemy is Jesus. He promotes atheism and false religions and hates the only God who saves men from their sins. 

But we Christians can rejoice because “these trials make [us] partners with Christ in his suffering, so that [we] will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.” (1 Peter 4:13
I encourage you to check out the Bible Love Notes post Are There Many Ways to Heaven? It answers lots of questions and shares my thoughts when I first came to Christ. ~ Gail

It's interesting how people have no problem with pagan deities. But when it comes to Jesus, that all changes.

Bible Love Notes

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