
Ways You Can Help Get the Word Out - Part 1 Facebook


I'm so excited about my book Wisdom for Life. I've seen God's hand in so many areas as I wrote, re-wrote, and edited it. And I feel like God made it possible for it to be published.

I'm praying it blesses lives and draws people closer to our Lord, and I'm praying it does well so I will have opportunity to write more books. There are some subjects God has laid on my heart and my opportunity to write about these subjects depends on the success of Wisdom for Life.

So let me share some simple ways you can help "get the Word out" on Facebook:

When Facebook started controlling what goes into people's feeds, the Bible Love Note's engagement dropped about 85%.

We need your help. When you "like," comment on, click the links of the devotions, and share them on your FB page, Facebook sends them into more people's feeds. Because I am including info about Wisdom for Life in the content of the devotions and on the sidebar of the blog, your engagement of Facebook posts helps let people know about Wisdom for Life

Please follow these 3 Bible Love Notes pages and see the image below this one for details. 

Bible Love Notes   --  Psalms & Proverbs  -- Doors of Joy

This is an example and I encourage you to do any or all of these things on any of the devotions that you have enjoyed.

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