
Finding Out Why They Are Thirsty

There are effective and ineffective ways of sharing the Gospel. It helps to find out why a person is "thirsty."

Sometimes people share Christ with a prepared script, and this usually leads to an awkward, unnatural conversation. It's rarely effective.

Don't get me wrong. We should be prepared to share Christ accurately. And there are some rare situations where God's Spirit may prompt us to share Christ quickly and succinctly.

But more often than not, the Lord leads us to share His wonderful plan of salvation like offering a glass of water to a thirsty friend. And the first step in this process is asking sincere questions to find out why the person's soul is thirsty.

The unsaved person who blames God for his mother’s early death...the person raised in a cult...the person who is close to making a decision for Christ...each of these people have different kinds of thirst. All of them need the Lord, but our approach should be different for each one. 

That’s why asking questions is the first step in sharing Christ effectively. 

1 Peter 3:15 tells us to be prepared to explain our faith with gentleness and respect. Colossians 4:6 tells us to graciously explain God’s truths.

While these passages don’t specifically tell us to ask questions, we know that understanding people’s backgrounds helps us speak wisely, graciously, and respectfully, offering water to their thirsty souls. 

There are effective and ineffective ways of sharing the Gospel. It helps to find out why a person is "thirsty."

There are effective and ineffective ways of sharing the Gospel. It helps to find out why a person is "thirsty."

Bible Love Notes


  1. A useful source on this topic: :)

    1. Thanks, Marika.
      For those who are reading the comments, Marika is our Hungarian translator for the Hungarian Bible Love Notes.
