
Counting the Cost of Following Christ

Do you know what it means to "count the cost" of following Christ? It's an important aspect of our faith.

I have long sympathized with my brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering for their faith around the world.
In some countries, believers lose their families, their jobs, their freedom, and even their lives. They truly understand the cost of following Christ. 

Our “persecutions” are small in comparison, but they are increasing. There seems to be a worldwide push to misrepresent, negatively stereotype, and censor Christians.

Like our suffering brothers and sisters, we need to make sure we have "counted the cost" of following Christ. 

Christ explains in Luke 14:25-33 that becoming His follower means putting His purposes above every other purpose in our lives. It means taking up our cross and denying ourselves.

Scripture doesn’t sugar-coat our life in Christ. Jesus said, “Those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” And Paul warned us that “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). 

So let’s prepare our hearts and minds to stand firm. And let's never forget the price that Christ paid for our salvation. Whatever our faith costs us here on earth, it is small in comparison to Christ's sacrifice. And our suffering is short compared to our eternity in heaven. 

Do you know what it means to "count the cost" of following Christ? It's an important aspect of our faith.

Bible Love Notes

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