
Choose Your Side

Fifty years ago our culture didn’t demand that we choose sides the way it does today. Culture was more in line with biblical moral values. 

But things are different today. Christians are being forced to choose whose side we’re on. Will we bend with culture and accept what culture says about gender, abortion, and sex? Or will we stand with God, believing what He says about gender, abortion, and sex? 

Will we trust God’s design for male and female, the sanctity of human life, and God’s warnings against sexual sins that damage our hearts and souls? Or will we redefine good and evil to please the majority? 

Will we speak up when God’s truths are mocked? Will we defend a fellow-believer who takes a stand? Will we refuse to repeat the lies that others are speaking? Will we train our children to do the right thing even when it costs them something? Will we pray for our world, neighbors, schools, government, and churches?

When I was a child, there were uncompromising Christians, fake Christians, and compromised Christians, but it wasn’t as obvious as it is today. 

We are being forced to reveal our true values and beliefs, dear Christians. And choosing the right way will cost us something. Please read Hebrews 11, and if you start to falter in your walk of faith, remember verse 16.

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13


For more on this subject:

A Letter from a Reader

What the Bible Teaches About Gender

Would You Have Justified Slavery?

Christians are being forced to choose sides like never before. This 1-minute devotion encourages you to choose right.

Bible Love Notes

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