
A Pandemic Worse than Covid, But Curable

There is a worldwide pandemic far worse than any other, and it actually has a cure which many refuse to take. This 1-minute devotion explains. #Pandemic #Jesus

Do you know about the most terrible worldwide pandemic of all time? It kills people in every country on earth.

It’s a terrible disease which causes terrible suffering.(1) 

The amazing fact is that this pandemic has a cure that's available in every country to every person, no matter their social standing or financial situation (Matthew 11:28; John 3:16).

The tragic part is that because this pandemic kills people slowly, some folks get used to the symptoms and put off the cure or refuse it altogether (Titus 3:3).

The cure is easy to take. But once you start taking it, it requires daily commitment (Luke 14:25-34).

I’m talking about the unbelief pandemic. 

Since the beginning of time, men and women have chosen to die in their sins instead of accepting the remedy Christ offers (Matthew 7:13-14).

↪ Some claim there’s no disease. 
↪ Some claim there’s no cure. 
↪ Some try false antidotes found in other religions.

But like others who’ve accepted the cure, I want everyone to know about it!

If you’ve taken the cure, why not make a list of friends, family, and co-workers who still have the disease and pray for one each week?

(1) What Jesus Said About Hell.

There is a world-wise pandemic far worse than any other, and it actually has a cure which many refuse to take. This 1-minute devotion explains. #Pandemic #Jesus

Bible Love Notes

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