
Why Does Psalm 91 Say God Will Save Us from Deadly Disease?

This 1-minute devotion addresses Psalm 91 and the promises it contains about complete protection.

Some Christians refuse to take precautions, get flu shots, get vaccines, or protect themselves from sick people. They quote 
Psalm 91 and claim God will protect them.

After all, Psalm 91:3 says God "will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease."  

But there are several things we must consider:

First, we must remember that the Psalms were written during the Old Covenant when God promised specific things to the nation of Israel. They contain important principles, but they are not all New Testament promises. 

Secondly, there may be reasons not to get a flu shot or a vaccine, but Psalm 91 is not one of them. Healing is a complex subject and God does not promise it to all.

Thirdly, Christ himself tells us not to take foolish chances. 

In Luke 4:9-12, Satan suggests Jesus jump off the top of the temple because God promises to protect Him. And guess what…Satan directly quotes Psalm 91:11-12! But Jesus answers: “Do not put the Lord your God to the test.”

Jesus wants us to know that Psalm 91 does not suggest we should take unnecessary risks with our health. 

Additional thoughts:

1. God commanded quarantines in the Old Testament (Number 5:2). It's totally legitimate that people with contagious diseases should be separated from healthy persons.
2. If a hospital requires that we wear a mask, there is no scriptural reason to refuse. It doesn't cause us to violate any of God's commands.

God doesn’t guarantee perfect health, but we need not fear. He loves us and promises to use all things for our good (Romans 8:28; Proverbs 3:5-6; 1 John 4:18).

So let’s take reasonable precautions, obey the instructions of those in authority, and consider how our actions might affect the health of others.
For more on what the Bible says about healing see: Accurately Understanding Healing.

This 1-minute devotion addresses Psalm 91 and the promises it contains about complete protection.

This 1-minute devotion addresses Psalm 91 and the promises it contains about complete protection.


  1. This is good, and right to the point.

  2. Thankful for God's Word - not only is it timeless, but it is practical and encouraging!

  3. True, while we have faith on the God's word, we should be proactive also

  4. True, while we have faith on the God's word, we should be proactive also

  5. You are so right! Thank you for the encouragement!

  6. God wants to help us - but he also wants us to participate! We can't sit back and expect manna to fall into our lap - Participate in your life and walk with Him.

  7. I think it's a promise, but only for those who believe. I think in anything we should be prudent and certainly be cautious. He gave us a brain to think and be responsible for ourselves and those around us.

    1. Hi Linda, I've got a series on healing and I've studied it very thoroughly with Scripture, and there are no promises that everyone who has faith will be healed.

      Please click "Subject Archive" at the top of this page, then click "Healing" and you can read the whole series.

  8. So blessed and thank you for the encouragement. God bless you in abundance

  9. Amen. There couldn't have been a better light than this.

  10. He make a promise to save us i believe he will

  11. Interestingly, I did once walk away from a fall down a flight of stairs that in retrospect should've seriously injured or killed me, but I had been pushed, I didn't throw myself down. God also kept that promise to me without me "naming and claiming it" or praying it or me doing anything at all to receive it. That said, I agree with this article completely, not taking the medically advised precautions and claiming Psalm 91 does violate the command to not test God. Not to mention some are using that Psalm as a spell of protection and are thus practicing witchcraft.

    1. Be very cautious trying to mix witchcraft with Biblical values.

  12. You wrote: Doing due diligence and research on safety precautions is important.

    Yes, and I have done that. I’ve steered clear of political theories and gone to the experts who have studied pandemics and viruses and have no political agenda. Most of them admit there are unknowns regarding Covid. No one thoroughly understands it.

    But you believe that you have the right answers and anyone who doesn’t agree with you is following “fear based” lies coming from Satan.

    You wrote: God created us with the ability to endure many illnesses - the best way we can support this is by eating healthy, having good hygiene (Bible has great direction)...

    You believe you have the answers to the Covid pandemic, and it all lies in healthy eating and good hygiene, and you claim that your views are biblical.

    Have you carefully studied the cases of healthy young people who have died of Covid without any other underlying conditions? They are only a small percentage, but they still number in the tens of thousands. Did God forget to give them “the ability to endure illnesses”?

    You wrote: “You will find most of these precautions are lies and fear based which comes from Satan, not God. which does not include wearing masks that cause us to breath in our own exhaled air, is a bacteria ridden mess, that does not block the coronavirus. Wearing masks and taking vaccines with unhealthy and ungodly ingredients is promoting, fear, doubt and self sabotage.”

    When God told the Israelites to isolate people with certain diseases (e.g. Numbers 5:2; Leviticus 13:46, etc.) was He advancing fear-based lies of Satan?

    Where does God explain that all disease is preventable by diet and hygiene? I haven’t read the passage.

    When Paul explained that Timothy had frequent illnesses (1 Timothy 5:23), why didn’t he tell him to eat healthy and use better hygiene?

    I’m not aware of a single authority who claims masks are perfect protection. But it’s scientifically proven that they cut down on the spread. That’s why doctors wear masks in surgery and people wear masks when dealing with toxic waste.

    Regarding your belief that wearing masks is harmful, let me refer you to an unbiased authority who has no reason to spread lies:

    “It’s one of those myths that circulates a lot on social media,” said Dr. Robert Citronberg, director of infectious disease at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, … “And I can tell you there’s no scientific evidence that says wearing a mask is harmful in terms of retaining carbon dioxide. In fact, wearing a mask still is one of the best ways to stop the spread of COVID-19. A recent study published in The Lancet further supported it. “The use of face masks was protective for both health-care workers and people in the community exposed to infection,” the study reports. Wearing a mask helps you protect other people avoid COVID-19, and the spread of the virus could be greatly reduced if everyone does it. Plus, breathing in them doesn’t harm you, even for long periods of time. Think of all the health care workers who go through long shifts wearing masks throughout.”

    This last point is an important one for the Christian. Wearing a face mask is a kindness to others who may be sick, weak, or old. Christians are supposed to put the needs of others above our own needs.

    Your comment spreads a fear-based rumor about wearing masks. It’s not true.

    You claim Scripture promises to keep us safe if we eat right and have good hygiene. That’s not true.

    You claim that anyone who doesn’t agree with you is following Satan’s lies. That’s not true.

    I pray God will help you see the errors in your comment.

  13. Gail, aren't you doing the same? Aren't you so sure, that you have all the right answers? You acuse this person of having all the answers and yet you do claim so yourself. You are so sure of everything YOU have studied! You think you, and your sources, your científic facts and studies are 100 % correct. You are as incapable of admitting that your views could be wrong than the person you are accusing of doing the same thing.
    I think you should take a good look in the mirror bevor you come down all high and mighty on other people's views.
    And if you read the gospel, you will find, that Jesus went around healing people. Jesus hasn't changed. Jesus still heals people today. And yes the bible says your faith has healed you. Jesus says it himself. If there are people who chose to believe and trust in God, than let them. I don't think that that is the same as putting God to the test. I believe it is just putting your trust and faith in the only one who actually has all the answers, in the only one who understands this virus completely. In our savior. If you chose to believe an trust cience, than I will respect that. I will not try to put your side of things down. I will not try to undermined you in public. I will respect your choice. Because that is what God has given us all. Everyone has a right to choose how he wants to handle this.
    I pray God will help you see your errors in your comment, in your views and your believes, as much as anyone else's, including myself! May God bless you and keep you save. Amén!

  14. Hi Unknown,
    You've harshly judged my motives and my character in a public comment, and then you've said that you respect my choice and would never show me disrespect in public.

    You also accuse me of saying things I never said (e.g. my facts and sources being "100% correct").

    Then you tell me that you understand Jesus better than I do.

    If you read my post and comments, you will see that I disagreed with some people, but I never questioned their motives or character.

  15. I was searching "bible love notes covid" ,then i got a warning that only recognized sites are allowed to be shown in the search results.
    The bible speaks about quarantine, separating contagious people from healthy people. Our governements are putting everyone in quarantine with lockdowns.
    Nowadays, there are even churches that allow only people with vaccine passports into church.
    What do you think about that? Don't you think satan is playing a big role in all of this?

    1. I'm not sure why you got the error result. I'll check it out. Thanks for letting me know.

      I think Satan has had a huge role in the confusion surrounding Covid. Famous pastors have proclaimed that there is no pandemic despite the millions of people who have gotten Covid. The governments have passed rules that aren't fair at times. Yes, Satan loves the chaos that has surrounded Covid from every side.

      I think some of the resistance to vaccines is legit and I think some is simply stubborn politics. I think some people have legit concerns with masks and other requirements, and some people are simply rebellious and selfish and don't care if they pass the disease to their neighbors.

      I believe God had purpose for Christians in this difficult time to strengthen the church and prepare us for genuine persecution and give us alternative ways to share Christ, and I believe some Christians have taken the challenge head on and others have sat around and complained about masks and vaccines and other rules.
